Unnam-dong: 운남동

This page displays Unnam-dong (운남동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Unnam-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Unnam-dong (운남동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gwangju (광주광역시) Gwangsan-gu (광산구) Unnam-dong (운남동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Jung-gu (중구) Unnam-dong (운남동)

Unnam-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Unnam-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Unnamdong-ro 43beon-gil 운남동로43번길
Unnamdong-ro 53beon-gil 운남동로53번길
Unnam-ro 운남로
Unnam-ro 128beon-gil 운남로128번길
Unnam-ro 154beon-gil 운남로154번길
Unnam-ro 184beon-gil 운남로184번길
Unnam-ro 223beon-gil 운남로223번길
Unnam-ro 248beon-gil 운남로248번길
Unnam-ro 82beon-gil 운남로82번길
Unnamseo-ro 운남서로
Unnamseo-ro 10beon-gil 운남서로10번길
Unnamseo-ro 75beon-gil 운남서로75번길
Unnamseo-ro 76beon-gil 운남서로76번길
Unnaman-gil 운남안길
Unjung-ro 운중로
Unjung-ro 107beon-gil 운중로107번길
Unjung-ro 108beon-gil 운중로108번길
Unjung-ro 13beon-gil 운중로13번길
Unjung-ro 14beon-gil 운중로14번길
Unjung-ro 21beon-gil 운중로21번길
Unjung-ro 48beon-gil 운중로48번길
Unjung-ro 65beon-gil 운중로65번길
Unjung-ro 71beon-gil 운중로71번길
Eunhasu-ro 은하수로
Eunhasu-ro 462beon-gil 은하수로462번길
Incheondaegyo Expressway 인천대교고속도로
Jayeon-daero 자연대로
Jeonso-ro 전소로
Jeonso-ro 1beon-gil 전소로1번길
Jjokbithaneul-ro 쪽빛하늘로
Chandeul-ro 찬들로
Chandeul-ro 179beon-gil 찬들로179번길
Chandeul-ro 180beon-gil 찬들로180번길
Chandeul-ro 284beon-gil 찬들로284번길
Keunmal-ro 큰말로
Keunmal-ro 14beon-gil 큰말로14번길
Keunmal-ro 161beon-gil 큰말로161번길
Keunmal-ro 169beon-gil 큰말로169번길
Keunmalloan-gil 큰말로안길
Haneulluri-ro 하늘누리로
Haneul-daero 하늘대로
Haemaji-gil 해맞이길
Huinbawi-ro 흰바위로
Huinbawi-ro 232beon-gil 흰바위로232번길

Unnam-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Unnam-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Unnam-dong, Gwangsan-gu, Gwangju Map
