Sa-dong: 사동

This page displays Sa-dong (사동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sa-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Sa-dong (사동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Sa-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sa-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seongan 3-gil 성안3길
Seongan-gil 성안길
Sigok 1-gil 시곡1길
Sigok 2-gil 시곡2길
Sigok 2an-gil 시곡2안길
Sigok-gil 시곡길
Yeonghwa 1-gil 영화1길
Yeonghwa 2-gil 영화2길
Yeonghwa 3-gil 영화3길
Yeonghwa 4-gil 영화4길
Yeonghwa 5-gil 영화5길
Yeonghwa 6-gil 영화6길
Yeonghwa 7-gil 영화7길
Yeonghwa-gil 영화길
Yongsin-ro 용신로
Yonghagongwon-ro 용하공원로
Ihwa 1-gil 이화1길
Ihwa 2-gil 이화2길
Ihwa 3-gil 이화3길
Ihwa 4-gil 이화4길
Ihwa 5-gil 이화5길
Ihwa 6-gil 이화6길
Ihwa-ro 이화로
Janghwa 1-gil 장화1길
Janghwa 1an-gil 장화1안길
Janghwa 2-gil 장화2길
Janghwa 3-gil 장화3길
Janghwa 3an-gil 장화3안길
Janghwa-ro 장화로
Jungbo-ro 중보로
Chadolbaegi-ro 차돌배기로
Chadolbaegi-ro 1-gil 차돌배기로1길
Cheonmun 2-gil 천문2길
Cheonmun 3-gil 천문3길
Cheonmun 4-gil 천문4길
Cheonmun-ro 천문로
Chodang 1-gil 초당1길
Chodang 1an-gil 초당1안길
Chodang 2-gil 초당2길
Chodang 3-gil 초당3길
Chodang 4-gil 초당4길
Chodang 5-gil 초당5길
Chodang-ro 초당로
Chungjang-ro 충장로
Pyeongan-ro 평안로
Pyeongan-ro 1-gil 평안로1길
Pyeongan-ro 1an-gil 평안로1안길
Pyeongan-ro 2-gil 평안로2길
Pyeongan-ro 3-gil 평안로3길
Haksa 1-gil 학사1길

Sa-dong, Gyeongsan-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
