Oryu-dong: 오류동

This page displays Oryu-dong (오류동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Oryu-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Oryu-dong (오류동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Daejeon (대전광역시) Jung-gu (중구) Oryu-dong (오류동)
Seoul (서울특별시) Guro-gu (구로구) Oryu-dong (오류동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Gyeyang-gu (계양구) Oryu-dong (오류동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Seo-gu (서구) Oryu-dong (오류동)

Oryu-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Oryu-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seohaean-ro 20-gil 서해안로20길
Seohaean-ro 21-gil 서해안로21길
Seohaean-ro 24-gil 서해안로24길
Seohaean-ro 26-gil 서해안로26길
Seohaean-ro 28-gil 서해안로28길
Seohaean-ro 30-gil 서해안로30길
Seohaean-ro 32-gil 서해안로32길
Seohaean-ro 34ga-gil 서해안로34가길
Yeondong-ro 연동로
Oryu-ro 오류로
Oryu-ro 8ga-gil 오류로8가길
Oryu-ro 8-gil 오류로8길
Oryu-ro 8na-gil 오류로8나길
Oryu-ro 8da-gil 오류로8다길
Oryu-ro 8ra-gil 오류로8라길
Oryu-ro 8ma-gil 오류로8마길
Oryu-ro 8ba-gil 오류로8바길
Ori-ro 오리로
Ori-ro 10-gil 오리로10길
Ori-ro 11-gil 오리로11길
Ori-ro 13ga-gil 오리로13가길
Ori-ro 13-gil 오리로13길
Ori-ro 7-gil 오리로7길
Ori-ro 9-gil 오리로9길
Cheonwang-ro 천왕로
Galmi-gil 갈미길
Bugeun-gil 부근길
Oryu-gil 오류길
Oryunam-gil 오류남길
Oryubuk-gil 오류북길
Jangje-ro 장제로
Jangje-ro 1360beon-gil 장제로1360번길
Hwangeo-ro 115beon-gil 황어로115번길
Garam-ro 가람로
Gammun 1-ro 갑문1로
Gammun 2-ro 갑문2로
Gammun 3-ro 갑문3로
Gammun 4-ro 갑문4로
Gapmun-ro 갑문로
Geocheom-ro 거첨로
Geomdan-ro 검단로
Geomdan-ro 102beon-gil 검단로102번길
Geomdan-ro 114beon-gil 검단로114번길
Geomdan-ro 114beonan-gil 검단로114번안길
Geomdan-ro 188beon-gil 검단로188번길
Geomdan-ro 250beon-gil 검단로250번길
Geomdan-ro 54beon-gil 검단로54번길
Geomdan-ro 92beon-gil 검단로92번길
Geomdan-ro 93beon-gil 검단로93번길
Geomdancheon-ro 검단천로

Oryu-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Oryu-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Oryu-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon Map
