Namsan-dong: 남산동

This page displays Namsan-dong (남산동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Namsan-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Namsan-dong (남산동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Namsan-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Namsan-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Jaemaru 1-gil 재마루1길
Jaemaru-gil 재마루길
Jungang-daero 중앙대로
Jungang-daero 58-gil 중앙대로58길
Jungang-daero 61-gil 중앙대로61길
Jungang-daero 62-gil 중앙대로62길
Jungang-daero 65-gil 중앙대로65길
Jungang-daero 66-gil 중앙대로66길
Jungang-daero 67-gil 중앙대로67길
Jungang-daero 68-gil 중앙대로68길
Geumgang-ro 금강로
Geumgang-ro 611beon-gil 금강로611번길
Geumgang-ro 633beon-gil 금강로633번길
Geumgang-ro 647beon-gil 금강로647번길
Geumgang-ro 681beon-gil 금강로681번길
Geumgang-ro 693beon-gil 금강로693번길
Geumgang-ro 709beon-gil 금강로709번길
Geumgang-ro 740beon-gil 금강로740번길
Geumdan-ro 금단로
Geumdan-ro 101beon-gil 금단로101번길
Geumdan-ro 170beon-gil 금단로170번길
Geumdan-ro 175beon-gil 금단로175번길
Geumdan-ro 210beon-gil 금단로210번길
Geumdan-ro 99beon-gil 금단로99번길
Geumsaem-ro 금샘로
Geumsaem-ro 485beon-gil 금샘로485번길
Geumsaem-ro 488beon-gil 금샘로488번길
Geumsaem-ro 566beon-gil 금샘로566번길
Geumsaem-ro 578beon-gil 금샘로578번길
Geumsaem-ro 582beon-gil 금샘로582번길
Geumjeongdoseogwan-ro 금정도서관로
Namsannaet-gil 남산냇길
Namsan-ro 남산로
Namsan-ro 37beon-gil 남산로37번길
Namsan-ro 43beon-gil 남산로43번길
Namsan-ro 51beon-gil 남산로51번길
Dusil-ro 두실로
Dusil-ro 16beon-gil 두실로16번길
Dusil-ro 24beon-gil 두실로24번길
Dusil-ro 8beon-gil 두실로8번길
Beokgusan-ro 벅구산로
Beokgusan-ro 8beon-gil 벅구산로8번길
Beomeosa-ro 범어사로
Beomeocheon-ro 범어천로
Beomeocheon-ro 21beon-gil 범어천로21번길
Beomeocheon-ro 28beon-gil 범어천로28번길
Beomeocheon-ro 31beon-gil 범어천로31번길
Beomeocheon-ro 38beon-gil 범어천로38번길
Beomeocheon-ro 46beon-gil 범어천로46번길
Beomeocheon-ro 52beon-gil 범어천로52번길

Namsan-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Namsan-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Namsan-dong, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Map
