Namsan-dong: 남산동

This page displays Namsan-dong (남산동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Namsan-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Namsan-dong (남산동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Namsan-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Namsan-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Junganggongwon 6-gil 중앙공원6길
Junganggongwon 7-gil 중앙공원7길
Junganggongwon 8-gil 중앙공원8길
Junganggongwon-gil 중앙공원길
Pyeonghwasunhwan-gil 평화순환길
Haksadae-gil 학사대길
Horangi 1-gil 호랑이1길
Horangi 2-gil 호랑이2길
Horangi-gil 호랑이길
Namsan-ro 남산로
Bollyangdongseo-ro 본량동서로
Bollyangsinheung-gil 본량신흥길
Bollyangsinheungan-gil 본량신흥안길
Bollyanghwanggyean-gil 본량황계안길
Yongjin-ro 용진로
Pyeongchon-gil 평촌길
Pungsuk-gil 풍숙길
Pungsugan-gil 풍숙안길
2.28-gil 2·28길
Gwandeokjeong-gil 관덕정길
Namsan-ro 남산로
Namsan-ro 12-gil 남산로12길
Namsan-ro 13-gil 남산로13길
Namsan-ro 17-gil 남산로17길
Namsan-ro 1-gil 남산로1길
Namsan-ro 2-gil 남산로2길
Namsan-ro 3-gil 남산로3길
Namsan-ro 3an-gil 남산로3안길
Namsan-ro 4-gil 남산로4길
Namsan-ro 6-gil 남산로6길
Namsan-ro 6an-gil 남산로6안길
Namsan-ro 7-gil 남산로7길
Namsan-ro 8-gil 남산로8길
Dalgubeol-daero 달구벌대로
Dalgubeol-daero 414-gil 달구벌대로414길
Dalgubeol-daero 418-gil 달구벌대로418길
Myeongdeok-ro 명덕로
Myeongdeok-ro 35-gil 명덕로35길
Myeongnyun-ro 명륜로
Myeongnyun-ro 11-gil 명륜로11길
Myeongnyun-ro 12-gil 명륜로12길
Myeongnyun-ro 21-gil 명륜로21길
Myeongnyun-ro 22-gil 명륜로22길
Myeongnyun-ro 22an-gil 명륜로22안길
Myeongnyun-ro 23-gil 명륜로23길
Myeongnyun-ro 24-gil 명륜로24길
Myeongnyun-ro 26-gil 명륜로26길
Myeongnyun-ro 26an-gil 명륜로26안길
Myeongnyun-ro 6-gil 명륜로6길
Munugwan-gil 문우관길

Namsan-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Namsan-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Namsan-dong, Geumjeong-gu, Busan Map
