Heunghae-eup: 흥해읍

Heunghae-eup (흥해읍) is located in Buk-gu, Pohang-si,Gyeongsangbuk-do. This page displays Heunghae-eup (흥해읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Heunghae-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도)
City/County/District Buk-gu, Pohang-si (포항시 북구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Heunghae-eup (흥해읍)

Heunghae-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Heunghae-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Yeongilmansandannam-ro 117beon-gil 영일만산단남로117번길
Yeongilmansandannam-ro 37beon-gil 영일만산단남로37번길
Yeongilmansandannam-ro 75beon-gil 영일만산단남로75번길
Yeongilmansandan-ro 영일만산단로
Yeongilmansandan-ro 118beon-gil 영일만산단로118번길
Yeongilmansandan-ro 179beon-gil 영일만산단로179번길
Yeongilmansandan-ro 88beon-gil 영일만산단로88번길
Yeongilmanhang-ro 영일만항로
Yeongilmanhang-ro 28beon-gil 영일만항로28번길
Yonggeum-gil 용금길
Yonggeum-gil 11beon-gil 용금길11번길
Yonggeum-gil 162beon-gil 용금길162번길
Yonggeum-gil 163beon-gil 용금길163번길
Yonggeum-gil 181beon-gil 용금길181번길
Yonggeum-gil 83beon-gil 용금길83번길
Yongyeon-gil 용연길
Yongyeon-gil 106beon-gil 용연길106번길
Yongyeon-gil 162beon-gil 용연길162번길
Yongyeon-gil 190beon-gil 용연길190번길
Yongyeon-gil 266beon-gil 용연길266번길
Yongyeon-gil 326beon-gil 용연길326번길
Yongjeon-gil 용전길
Yongjeon-gil 147beon-gil 용전길147번길
Yongjeon-gil 36beon-gil 용전길36번길
Yongjeon-gil 68beon-gil 용전길68번길
Yongjeon-gil 82beon-gil 용전길82번길
Yonghan-gil 용한길
Yonghan-gil 112beon-gil 용한길112번길
Yonghan-gil 134beon-gil 용한길134번길
Yonghan-gil 160beon-gil 용한길160번길
Yonghan-gil 244beon-gil 용한길244번길
Yonghan-gil 256beon-gil 용한길256번길
Yunghapgisul-ro 융합기술로
Jukcheon-gil 죽천길
Jukcheon-gil 185beon-gil 죽천길185번길
Jukcheon-gil 213beon-gil 죽천길213번길
Jukcheon-gil 83beon-gil 죽천길83번길
Jungseong-ro 중성로
Jungseong-ro 32beon-gil 중성로32번길
Jungseong-ro 42beon-gil 중성로42번길
Jungseong-ro 52beon-gil 중성로52번길
Jungseong-ro 62beon-gil 중성로62번길
Chogok-gil 초곡길
Chogok-gil 316beon-gil 초곡길316번길
Chogok-gil 36beon-gil 초곡길36번길
Chogok-gil 75beon-gil 초곡길75번길
Chogokjigu-ro 초곡지구로
Chogokjigu-ro 101beon-gil 초곡지구로101번길
Chogokjigu-ro 139beon-gil 초곡지구로139번길
Chogokjigu-ro 147beon-gil 초곡지구로147번길

Heunghae-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Heunghae-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Heunghae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
