Heunghae-eup: 흥해읍

Heunghae-eup (흥해읍) is located in Buk-gu, Pohang-si,Gyeongsangbuk-do. This page displays Heunghae-eup (흥해읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Heunghae-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도)
City/County/District Buk-gu, Pohang-si (포항시 북구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Heunghae-eup (흥해읍)

Heunghae-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Heunghae-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Maesan-gil 38beon-gil 매산길38번길
Buksong-gil 북송길
Buksong-gil 190beon-gil 북송길190번길
Sabanggongwon-gil 사방공원길
Samheung-ro 삼흥로
Samheung-ro 501beon-gil 삼흥로501번길
Samheung-ro 502beon-gil 삼흥로502번길
Samheung-ro 536beon-gil 삼흥로536번길
Samheung-ro 640beon-gil 삼흥로640번길
Samheung-ro 736beon-gil 삼흥로736번길
Saemaeul-ro 새마을로
Saemaeul-ro 394beon-gil 새마을로394번길
Seonggok-gil 성곡길
Seonggok-gil 182beon-gil 성곡길182번길
Seonggok-gil 70beon-gil 성곡길70번길
Seonggokbuk-gil 성곡북길
Seonggokbuk-gil 38beon-gil 성곡북길38번길
Seonggokseo-ro 17beon-gil 성곡서로17번길
Seonggokseo-ro 18beon-gil 성곡서로18번길
Seonggokseo-ro 25beon-gil 성곡서로25번길
Seonggokseo-ro 26beon-gil 성곡서로26번길
Seonggokseo-ro 31beon-gil 성곡서로31번길
Seonggokseo-ro 32beon-gil 성곡서로32번길
Sotijae-ro 소티재로
Sotijae-ro 285beon-gil 소티재로285번길
Sotijae-ro 361beon-gil 소티재로361번길
Sotijae-ro 364beon-gil 소티재로364번길
Sindeok-ro 신덕로
Sinheung-ro 신흥로
Sinheung-ro 534beon-gil 신흥로534번길
Sinheung-ro 659beon-gil 신흥로659번길
Sinheung-ro 675beon-gil 신흥로675번길
Sinheung-ro 694beon-gil 신흥로694번길
Sinheung-ro 709beon-gil 신흥로709번길
Sinheung-ro 716beon-gil 신흥로716번길
Sinheung-ro 717beon-gil 신흥로717번길
Sinheung-ro 732beon-gil 신흥로732번길
Sinheung-ro 745beon-gil 신흥로745번길
Sinheung-ro 746beon-gil 신흥로746번길
Sinheung-ro 861beon-gil 신흥로861번길
Sinheung-ro 872beon-gil 신흥로872번길
Sinheung-ro 885beon-gil 신흥로885번길
Sinheung-ro 886beon-gil 신흥로886번길
Sinheung-ro 898beon-gil 신흥로898번길
Amgakhwa-gil 암각화길
Amgakhwa-gil 41beon-gil 암각화길41번길
Yeonhwa-gil 연화길
Yeonhwa-gil 20beon-gil 연화길20번길
Yeongilman-daero 영일만대로
Yeongilmansandannam-ro 영일만산단남로

Heunghae-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Heunghae-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Heunghae-eup, Buk-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
