Geumgok-dong: 금곡동

This page displays Geumgok-dong (금곡동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Geumgok-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Geumgok-dong (금곡동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Geumgok-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Geumgok-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seohae-daero 서해대로
Seohae-daero 513beon-gil 서해대로513번길
Seohae-daero 520beon-gil 서해대로520번길
Songnim-ro 송림로
Songnim-ro 62beon-gil 송림로62번길
Ugak-ro 15beon-gil 우각로15번길
Jungang-ro 중앙로
Hwadojin-ro 화도진로
Hwadojin-ro 17beon-gil 화도진로17번길
Hwadojin-ro 5beon-gil 화도진로5번길
Hwadojin-ro 7beon-gil 화도진로7번길
Bongsu-daero 봉수대로
Bongsu-daero 1531beon-gil 봉수대로1531번길
Bongsu-daero 1532beon-gil 봉수대로1532번길
Bongsu-daero 1532beonan-gil 봉수대로1532번안길
Bongsu-daero 1545beon-gil 봉수대로1545번길
Bongsu-daero 1563beon-gil 봉수대로1563번길
Bongsu-daero 1568beon-gil 봉수대로1568번길
Bongsu-daero 1581beon-gil 봉수대로1581번길
Bonghwa-ro 봉화로
Bonghwa-ro 223beon-gil 봉화로223번길
Bonghwa-ro 223beonan-gil 봉화로223번안길
Sejabong-ro 세자봉로
Sejabong-ro 100beon-gil 세자봉로100번길
Sejabong-ro 76beon-gil 세자봉로76번길
Sodam 1-ro 소담1로
Sodam 2-ro 소담2로
Sodam-ro 소담로
Sodam-ro 58beon-gil 소담로58번길
Sindong-gil 신동길
Sindongan-gil 신동안길
Wanjeong-ro 완정로
Wanjeong-ro 188beon 2-gil 완정로188번2길
Wanjeong-ro 216beon-gil 완정로216번길
Wanjeong-ro 228beon-gil 완정로228번길
Wanjeong-ro 228beonan-gil 완정로228번안길
Jungbong-daero 중봉대로
Hyangdonggogae-gil 향동고개길
Hyangdong-ro 향동로
Gongmadang 1-gil 공마당1길
Gongmadang 2-gil 공마당2길
Gongmadang-gil 공마당길
Geumgok 1-gil 금곡1길
Geumgok-gil 금곡길
Geumok 1-gil 금옥1길
Geumok-gil 금옥길
Seomunseongteo-gil 서문성터길
Yeongdong-gil 영동길
Chamsaemyaksu-gil 참샘약수길
Haenggeum-gil 행금길

Geumgok-dong, Buk-gu, Busan Map
