Ganseok-dong: 간석동

Ganseok-dong (간석동) is located in Namdong-gu,Incheon. This page displays Ganseok-dong (간석동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Ganseok-dong Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Incheon (인천광역시)
City/County/District Namdong-gu (남동구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Ganseok-dong (간석동)

Ganseok-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Ganseok-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Guwol-ro 46beon-gil 구월로46번길
Guwol-ro 50beon-gil 구월로50번길
Guwol-ro 52beon-gil 구월로52번길
Guwol-ro 56beon-gil 구월로56번길
Guwol-ro 60beon-gil 구월로60번길
Guwol-ro 64beon-gil 구월로64번길
Guwol-ro 72beon-gil 구월로72번길
Guwol-ro 8beon-gil 구월로8번길
Namdong-daero 남동대로
Namdong-daero 837beon-gil 남동대로837번길
Namdong-daero 884beon-gil 남동대로884번길
Namdong-daero 897beon-gil 남동대로897번길
Namdong-daero 898beon-gil 남동대로898번길
Namdong-daero 915beon-gil 남동대로915번길
Namdong-daero 916beon-gil 남동대로916번길
Namdong-daero 921beon-gil 남동대로921번길
Namdong-daero 922beon-gil 남동대로922번길
Namdong-daero 934beon-gil 남동대로934번길
Dongamnam-ro 20beon-gil 동암남로20번길
Dongamnam-ro 26beon-gil 동암남로26번길
Dongamnam-ro 34beon-gil 동암남로34번길
Manwol-ro 만월로
Manwol-ro 185beon-gil 만월로185번길
Manwolbuk-ro 만월북로
Manwolbuk-ro 112beon-gil 만월북로112번길
Manwolbuk-ro 2beon-gil 만월북로2번길
Manwolbuk-ro 44beon-gil 만월북로44번길
Manwolbuk-ro 54beon-gil 만월북로54번길
Manwolbuk-ro 68beon-gil 만월북로68번길
Munhwa-ro 문화로
Munhwa-ro 169beon-gil 문화로169번길
Munhwa-ro 217beon-gil 문화로217번길
Munhwa-ro 245beon-gil 문화로245번길
Bangchuk-ro 방축로
Bangchuk-ro 469beon-gil 방축로469번길
Baekbeom-ro 백범로
Baekbeom-ro 248beon-gil 백범로248번길
Baekbeom-ro 273beon-gil 백범로273번길
Baekbeom-ro 277beon-gil 백범로277번길
Baekbeom-ro 280beon-gil 백범로280번길
Baekbeom-ro 281beon-gil 백범로281번길
Baekbeom-ro 294beon-gil 백범로294번길
Baekbeom-ro 297beon-gil 백범로297번길
Baekbeom-ro 310beon-gil 백범로310번길
Baekbeom-ro 352beon-gil 백범로352번길
Baekbeom-ro 359beon-gil 백범로359번길
Baekbeom-ro 360beon-gil 백범로360번길
Baekbeom-ro 406beon-gil 백범로406번길
Baekbeom-ro 422beon-gil 백범로422번길
Baekbeom-ro 432beon-gil 백범로432번길

Ganseok-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Ganseok-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Ganseok-dong, Namdong-gu, Incheon Map
