Galsan-dong: 갈산동

This page displays Galsan-dong (갈산동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Galsan-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Galsan-dong (갈산동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도) Seosan-si (서산시) Galsan-dong (갈산동)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Icheon-si (이천시) Galsan-dong (갈산동)
Jeollabuk-do (전라북도) Iksan-si (익산시) Galsan-dong (갈산동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Bupyeong-gu (부평구) Galsan-dong (갈산동)
Daegu (대구광역시) Dalseo-gu (달서구) Galsan-dong (갈산동)

Galsan-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Galsan-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seongseoseo-ro 34-gil 성서서로34길
Seongseoseo-ro 36-gil 성서서로36길
Seongseoseo-ro 36an-gil 성서서로36안길
Seongseoseo-ro 40-gil 성서서로40길
Seongseoseo-ro 42-gil 성서서로42길
Seongseoseo-ro 48-gil 성서서로48길
Galsan-ro 갈산로
Galsan-ro 5beon-gil 갈산로5번길
Galsan-ro 9beon-gil 갈산로9번길
Garwoldong-ro 갈월동로
Garwoldong-ro 29beon-gil 갈월동로29번길
Garwolseo-ro 갈월서로
Gulpo-ro 굴포로
Gulpo-ro 5beon-gil 굴포로5번길
Gulpo-ro 7beon-gil 굴포로7번길
Gilju-ro 길주로
Gilju-ro 547beon-gil 길주로547번길
Gilju-ro 565beon-gil 길주로565번길
Gilju-ro 585beon-gil 길주로585번길
Gilju-ro 595beon-gil 길주로595번길
Bupyeong-daero 부평대로
Bupyeong-daero 246beon-gil 부평대로246번길
Bupyeong-daero 260beon-gil 부평대로260번길
Bupyeong-daero 276beon-gil 부평대로276번길
Bupyeong-daero 278beon-gil 부평대로278번길
Bupyeong-daero 282beon-gil 부평대로282번길
Bupyeong-daero 296beon-gil 부평대로296번길
Bupyeongbuk-ro 부평북로
Saegal-ro 새갈로
Saegal-ro 28beon-gil 새갈로28번길
Jangje-ro 장제로
Jangje-ro 249beon-gil 장제로249번길
Jangje-ro 257beon-gil 장제로257번길
Jangje-ro 329beon-gil 장제로329번길
Jangje-ro 351beon-gil 장제로351번길
Jangje-ro 373beon-gil 장제로373번길
Jangje-ro 381beon-gil 장제로381번길
Jubuto-ro 주부토로
Jubuto-ro 145beon-gil 주부토로145번길
Jubuto-ro 146beon-gil 주부토로146번길
Jubuto-ro 150beon-gil 주부토로150번길
Jubuto-ro 151beon-gil 주부토로151번길
Jubuto-ro 172beon-gil 주부토로172번길
Jubuto-ro 219beon-gil 주부토로219번길
Jubuto-ro 220beon-gil 주부토로220번길
Jubuto-ro 235beon-gil 주부토로235번길
Jubuto-ro 249beon-gil 주부토로249번길
Jubuto-ro 252beon-gil 주부토로252번길
Jubuto-ro 262beon-gil 주부토로262번길
Jubuto-ro 277beon-gil 주부토로277번길

Galsan-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Galsan-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Galsan-dong, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
