Gajwa-dong: 가좌동

This page displays Gajwa-dong (가좌동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gajwa-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Gajwa-dong (가좌동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si (고양시 일산서구) Gajwa-dong (가좌동)
Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도) Jinju-si (진주시) Gajwa-dong (가좌동)
Incheon (인천광역시) Seo-gu (서구) Gajwa-dong (가좌동)

Gajwa-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gajwa-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Bangchuk-ro 방축로
Baekbeom-ro 백범로
Baekbeomro603beon-gil 백범로603번길
Baekbeomro604beon-gil 백범로604번길
Baekbeom-ro 622beon-gil 백범로622번길
Baekbeom-ro 630beon-gil 백범로630번길
Baekbeom-ro 677beon-gil 백범로677번길
Baekbeom-ro 678beon-gil 백범로678번길
Baekbeom-ro 698beon-gil 백범로698번길
Baekbeom-ro 701beon-gil 백범로701번길
Baekbeom-ro 718beon-gil 백범로718번길
Baekbeom-ro 810beon-gil 백범로810번길
Baekbeom-ro 910 beon-gil 백범로910번길
Baekbeom-ro 934beon-gil 백범로934번길
Bodojin-ro 보도진로
Bodojin-ro 18beon-gil 보도진로18번길
Bodojin-ro 30beon-gil 보도진로30번길
Bodojin-ro 41beon-gil 보도진로41번길
Bodojin-ro 42beon-gil 보도진로42번길
Bodojin-ro 53beon-gil 보도진로53번길
Bodojin-ro 54beon-gil 보도진로54번길
Bodojin-ro 73beon-gil 보도진로73번길
Bongsu-daero 봉수대로
Bongsu-daero 161beon-gil 봉수대로161번길
Bongsu-daero 162beon-gil 봉수대로162번길
Bongsu-daero 170beon-gil 봉수대로170번길
Bongsu-daero 182beon-gil 봉수대로182번길
Bongsu-daero 183beon-gil 봉수대로183번길
Sinjinmal-ro 신진말로
Sinjinmal-ro 14beon-gil 신진말로14번길
Sinjinmal-ro 28beon-gil 신진말로28번길
Sinjinmal-ro 33beon-gil 신진말로33번길
Yeoujae-ro 여우재로
Yeoujae-ro 111beon-gil 여우재로111번길
Yeoujae-ro 112beon-gil 여우재로112번길
Yeoujae-ro 75beon-gil 여우재로75번길
Yeoujae-ro 82beon-gil 여우재로82번길
Yeoujae-ro 86beon-gil 여우재로86번길
Yeoujae-ro 86beonan-gil 여우재로86번안길
Yeorumul-ro 열우물로
Yeolumul-ro 197beon-gil 열우물로197번길
Yeolumul-ro 208beon-gil 열우물로208번길
Yeolumul-ro 240beon-gil 열우물로240번길
Yeolumul-ro 282beon-gil 열우물로282번길
Yeomgok-ro 염곡로
Yeomgok-ro 134beon-gil 염곡로134번길
Yeomgok-ro 14beon-gil 염곡로14번길
Yeomgok-ro 15beon-gil 염곡로15번길
Wonseok-ro 원석로
Wonjeok-ro 원적로

Gajwa-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gajwa-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gajwa-dong, Ilsanseo-gu, Goyang-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
