Town/Village/Neighborhood List

This page displays a comprehensive list of the lowest administrative divisions in South Korea, including 216 -eup, 1196 -myeon, and 2076 -dong. These self-governing bodies mentioned above constitute the localized administrative system in Korea. It is similar to the local administrative system. Note that not all local administrative divisions will be included in South Korea's new road address system.

Town/Village/Neighborhood City/County/District
Cheonhyeon-dong (천현동) Hanam-si (하남시)
Cheonnam-dong (천남동) Jecheon-si (제천시)
Cheonseon-dong (천선동) Seongsan-gu, Changwon-si (창원시 성산구)
Cheonseong-dong (천성동) Gangseo-gu (강서구)
Cheonsong-dong (천송동) Yeoju-si (여주시)
Cheonwang-dong (천왕동) Guro-gu (구로구)
Cheonyeon-dong (천연동) Seodaemun-gu (서대문구)
Cheoram-dong (철암동) Taebaek-si (태백시)
Cheorwon-eup (철원읍) Cheorwon-gun (철원군)
Cheukhu-dong (측후동) Mokpo-si (목포시)
Chilbo-myeon (칠보면) Jeongeup-si (정읍시)
Chilbuk-myeon (칠북면) Haman-gun (함안군)
Chilgeum-dong (칠금동) Chungju-si (충주시)
Chilgoe-dong (칠괴동) Pyeongtaek-si (평택시)
Chilgok-myeon (칠곡면) Uiryeong-gun (의령군)
Chiljeon-dong (칠전동) Chuncheon-si (춘천시)
Chillyang-myeon (칠량면) Gangjin-gun (강진군)
Chilsan-dong (칠산동) Dongnae-gu (동래구)
Chilseo-myeon (칠서면) Haman-gun (함안군)
Chilseok-dong (칠석동) Nam-gu (남구)
Chilseong-dong 1(il)-ga (칠성동1가) Buk-gu (북구)
Chilseong-dong 2(i)-ga (칠성동2가) Buk-gu (북구)
Chilseong-myeon (칠성면) Goesan-gun (괴산군)
Chimsan-dong (침산동) Jung-gu (중구)
Chimsan-dong (침산동) Buk-gu (북구)
Chipyeong-dong (치평동) Seo-gu (서구)
Chiram-dong (칠암동) Jinju-si (진주시)
Chirwon-dong (칠원동) Pyeongtaek-si (평택시)
Chirwon-eup (칠원읍) Haman-gun (함안군)
Cho-dong (초동) Jung-gu (중구)
Chochon-myeon (초촌면) Buyeo-gun (부여군)
Chodang-dong (초당동) Gangneung-si (강릉시)
Chodong-myeon (초동면) Miryang-si (밀양시)
Choeup-dong (초읍동) Busanjin-gu (부산진구)
Chogu-dong (초구동) Donghae-si (동해시)
Chogye-myeon (초계면) Hapcheon-gun (합천군)
Choi-dong (초이동) Hanam-si (하남시)
Choil-dong (초일동) Hanam-si (하남시)
Chojang-dong (초장동) Seo-gu (서구)
Chojeon-dong (초전동) Jinju-si (진주시)
Chojeon-myeon (초전면) Seongju-gun (성주군)
Choji-dong (초지동) Danwon-gu, Ansan-si (안산시 단원구)
Chopyeong-dong (초평동) Uiwang-si (의왕시)
Chopyeong-myeon (초평면) Jincheon-gun (진천군)
Choryang-dong (초량동) Dong-gu (동구)
Chosa-dong (초사동) Asan-si (아산시)
Chosan-dong (초산동) Sangju-si (상주시)
Chowol-eup (초월읍) Gwangju-si (광주시)
Chu-dong (추동) Dong-gu (동구)
Chuam-dong (추암동) Donghae-si (동해시)