Yongmun-myeon: 용문면

This page displays Yongmun-myeon (용문면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yongmun-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Yongmun-myeon (용문면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도) Yecheon-gun (예천군) Yongmun-myeon (용문면)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Yangpyeong-gun (양평군) Yongmun-myeon (용문면)

Yongmun-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yongmun-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dudam-gil 두담길
Maryongyongdam 1-gil 마룡용담1길
Maryongyongdam 2-gil 마룡용담2길
Maryongunmal-gil 마룡웃말길
Macheon-gil 마천길
Makgol-gil 막골길
Malchi-gil 말치길
Mangneung-gil 망능길
Mangneung-gil 266beon-gil 망능길266번길
Mangneung-gil 73beon-gil 망능길73번길
Beolteogol-gil 벌터골길
Boreum-gil 보름길
Bongsu-gil 봉수길
Bigogaet-gil 비고갯길
Sanchaek-gil 산책길
Samseongheukcheon 1-gil 삼성흑천1길
Samseongheukcheon 2-gil 삼성흑천2길
Samseongheukcheon 3-gil 삼성흑천3길
Samseongheukcheon 4-gil 삼성흑천4길
Samseongheukcheon 5-gil 삼성흑천5길
Sanggwang-gil 상광길
Sanggwang-gil 79beon-gil 상광길79번길
Sangmang-gil 상망길
Sangmang-gil 20beon-gil 상망길20번길
Sangmang-gil 83beon-gil 상망길83번길
Sangwonsa-gil 상원사길
Sangjin 1-gil 상진1길
Sangjin-gil 상진길
Saeteomal-gil 새터말길
Saeteomal-gil 15beon-gil 새터말길15번길
Seowonmal-gil 서원말길
Seowonmal-gil 9beon-gil 서원말길9번길
Soil-gil 소일길
Soil-gil 27beon-gil 소일길27번길
Soil-gil 40beon-gil 소일길40번길
Soil-gil 56beon-gil 소일길56번길
Sugoganmal-gil 수곡안말길
Sudeukgol-gil 수득골길
Yangnopyeong-gil 양노평길
Yangsa-gil 양사길
Yangsa-gil 19beon-gil 양사길19번길
Eosu-gil 어수길
Eosu-gil 26beon-gil 어수길26번길
Eosu-gil 56beon-gil 어수길56번길
Yeochon-gil 여촌길
Yeochon-gil 50beon-gil 여촌길50번길
Yeonsu-ro 연수로
Yeonsu-ro 252beon-gil 연수로252번길
Yeonsu-ro 458beon-gil 연수로458번길
Yeonsu-ro 492beon-gil 연수로492번길

Yongmun-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yongmun-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yongmun-myeon, Yecheon-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
