Yesan-eup: 예산읍

Yesan-eup (예산읍) is located in Yesan-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Yesan-eup (예산읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yesan-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Yesan-gun (예산군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yesan-eup (예산읍)

Yesan-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yesan-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Sajikdong-gil 16beon-gil 사직동길16번길
Sajik-ro 사직로
Sanseonggongwon 1-gil 산성공원1길
Sanseonggongwon 2-gil 산성공원2길
Sanseonggongwon 3-gil 산성공원3길
Sanseonggeumosil-gil 산성금오실길
Sanseong-gil 산성길
Sanseong-gil 23beon-gil 산성길23번길
Sanseong-gil 23beonan-gil 산성길23번안길
Sanseongcheon-gil 산성천길
Seogyang-gil 석양길
Seogyang-gil 29beon-gil 석양길29번길
Sucheol-gil 수철길
Sillyewon-ro 신례원로
Sillyewon-ro 171beon-gil 신례원로171번길
Sillyewon-ro 202beon-gil 신례원로202번길
Sillyewon-ro 212beon-gil 신례원로212번길
Sillyewon-ro 236beon-gil 신례원로236번길
Sillyewon-ro 238beon-gil 신례원로238번길
Sillyewon-ro 32beon-gil 신례원로32번길
Sillyewon-ro 59beon-gil 신례원로59번길
Sillyewon-ro 69beon-gil 신례원로69번길
Sillyewon-ro 95beon-gil 신례원로95번길
Sinwon-gil 신원길
Sinwontanjung-gil 신원탄중길
Sinheung-gil 신흥길
Sinheung-gil 35beon-gil 신흥길35번길
Sinheung-gil 47beon-gil 신흥길47번길
Arirang-ro 아리랑로
Arirang-ro 11beon-gil 아리랑로11번길
Arirang-ro 144beon-gil 아리랑로144번길
Arirang-ro 182beon-gil 아리랑로182번길
Arirang-ro 184beon-gil 아리랑로184번길
Arirang-ro 198beon-gil 아리랑로198번길
Arirang-ro 213beon-gil 아리랑로213번길
Yeokjeon-ro 역전로
Yeokjeon-ro 125beon-gil 역전로125번길
Yeokjeon-ro 126beon-gil 역전로126번길
Yeokjeon-ro 134beon-gil 역전로134번길
Yeokjeon-ro 140beon-gil 역전로140번길
Yeokjeon-ro 160beon-gil 역전로160번길
Yeokjeon-ro 28beon-gil 역전로28번길
Yeokjeon-ro 46beon-gil 역전로46번길
Yeokjeon-ro 70beon-gil 역전로70번길
Yedanggwangwang-ro 예당관광로
Yedangpyeongya-ro 예당평야로
Yesan-ro 예산로
Yesan-ro 150beon-gil 예산로150번길
Yesan-ro 161beon-gil 예산로161번길
Yesan-ro 164beon-gil 예산로164번길

Yesan-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yesan-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yesan-eup, Yesan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
