Yeomchi-eup: 염치읍

Yeomchi-eup (염치읍) is located in Asan-si,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Yeomchi-eup (염치읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yeomchi-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Asan-si (아산시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yeomchi-eup (염치읍)

Yeomchi-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yeomchi-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gangcheongni-gil 강청리길
Gangcheongri-gil 6beon-gil 강청리길6번길
Gokgyori-gil 곡교리길
Gokgyori-gil 10beon-gil 곡교리길10번길
Gokgyori-gil 14beon-gil 곡교리길14번길
Gokgyori-gil 38beon-gil 곡교리길38번길
Kkoekkolseong-gil 꾀꼴성길
Dongjeong-gil 동정길
Dongjeong-gil 213beon-gil 동정길213번길
Manjeondang-gil 만전당길
Manjeondang-gil 120beon-gil 만전당길120번길
Manjeondang-gil 97beon-gil 만전당길97번길
Banghyeondong-gil 방현동길
Banghyeondong-gil 39beon-gil 방현동길39번길
Banghyeonseo-gil 방현서길
Banghyeonseo-gil 31beon-gil 방현서길31번길
Banghyeonseo-gil 36beon-gil 방현서길36번길
Baegam-gil 백암길
Baegam-gil 116beon-gil 백암길116번길
Baegam-gil 47beon-gil 백암길47번길
Baegam-gil 74beon-gil 백암길74번길
Baegam-gil 93beon-gil 백암길93번길
Sanyang-gil 산양길
Sanyang-gil 30beon-gil 산양길30번길
Sanyang-gil 33beon-gil 산양길33번길
Sanyang-gil 55beon-gil 산양길55번길
Seowon-gil 서원길
Seowon-gil 272beon-gil 서원길272번길
Seowonan-gil 서원안길
Seokjeong-gil 석정길
Songgok-gil 송곡길
Songgok-gil 21beon-gil 송곡길21번길
Songgok-gil 68beon-gil 송곡길68번길
Songgongnam-gil 송곡남길
Songgogan-gil 송곡안길
Sinsuri-gil 신수리길
Ssangjuk-gil 쌍죽길
Asan-ro 아산로
Asan-ro 671beon-gil 아산로671번길
Asan-ro 710beon-gil 아산로710번길
Asanoncheon-ro 아산온천로
Yeomseong-gil 염성길
Yeomseong-gil 140beon-gil 염성길140번길
Yeomseong-gil 142beon-gil 염성길142번길
Yeomchi-ro 염치로
Yeomchi-ro 151beon-gil 염치로151번길
Yeomchi-ro 201beon-gil 염치로201번길
Yeomchi-ro 245beon-gil 염치로245번길
Yeomchi-ro 255beon-gil 염치로255번길
Yeomchi-ro 63beon-gil 염치로63번길

Yeomchi-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yeomchi-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yeomchi-eup, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
