Yangseo-myeon: 양서면

Yangseo-myeon (양서면) is located in Yangpyeong-gun,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Yangseo-myeon (양서면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yangseo-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Yangpyeong-gun (양평군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yangseo-myeon (양서면)

Yangseo-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yangseo-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Garakgol-gil 가락골길
Gamjuhalmiteo-gil 감주할미터길
Geonjimi-gil 건지미길
Geonjimi-gil 56beon-gil 건지미길56번길
Gyeonggang-ro 경강로
Goryongjin-gil 골용진길
Goryongjin-gil 19beon-gil 골용진길19번길
Goryongjin-gil 39beon-gil 골용진길39번길
Goryongjin-gil 49beon-gil 골용진길49번길
Gwangjangyeop-gil 광장옆길
Gyogol-gil 교골길
Gyogol-gil 27beon-gil 교골길27번길
Guksu-gil 국수길
Guksu-gil 37beon-gil 국수길37번길
Guksusaeteomal-gil 국수새터말길
Guksusaeteomal-gil 29beon-gil 국수새터말길29번길
Guksuyeok-gil 국수역길
Gukhwa-gil 국화길
Giduwon-gil 기두원길
Namhangangbyeon-gil 남한강변길
Namhangangjajeongeo-gil 남한강자전거길
Darigol-gil 다리골길
Dalmaji-gil 달맞이길
Dangdwi-gil 당뒤길
Daesim-gil 대심길
Daesim-gil 35beon-gil 대심길35번길
Daesimsangsim-gil 대심상심길
Daesimsangsim-gil 133beon-gil 대심상심길133번길
Daesimsangsim-gil 60beon-gil 대심상심길60번길
Daesimutgol-gil 대심웃골길
Deombawigol-gil 덤바위골길
Dumehyanggi-gil 두메향기길
Dumulmeori-gil 두물머리길
Dumulmeori-gil 20beon-gil 두물머리길20번길
Dumulmeori-gil 48beon-gil 두물머리길48번길
Dumulmeori-gil 68beon-gil 두물머리길68번길
Dumulmeori-gil 8beon-gil 두물머리길8번길
Mogwang-ro 목왕로
Mogwang-ro 570beon-gil 목왕로570번길
Mogwang-ro 592beon-gil 목왕로592번길
Mogwang-ro 617beon-gil 목왕로617번길
Mogwang-ro 648beon-gil 목왕로648번길
Mogwang-ro 649beon-gil 목왕로649번길
Mogwang-ro 661beon-gil 목왕로661번길
Mogwang-ro 688beon-gil 목왕로688번길
Mogwangni-gil 목왕리길
Mogwangni-gil 137beon-gil 목왕리길137번길
Mogwangni-gil 138beon-gil 목왕리길138번길
Mogwangni-gil 148beon-gil 목왕리길148번길
Mongyang-gil 몽양길

Yangseo-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yangseo-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yangseo-myeon, Yangpyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do Map
