Yanghwa-myeon: 양화면

Yanghwa-myeon (양화면) is located in Buyeo-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Yanghwa-myeon (양화면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yanghwa-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Buyeo-gun (부여군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yanghwa-myeon (양화면)

Yanghwa-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yanghwa-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Naeseong-ro 내성로
Naeseong-ro 15beon-gil 내성로15번길
Naeseong-ro 23beon-gil 내성로23번길
Mangbae-ro 망배로
Mangbae-ro 2beon-gil 망배로2번길
Samil-ro 삼일로
Sangsi-ro 상시로
Sangsi-ro 47beon-gil 상시로47번길
Sangsi-ro 8beon-gil 상시로8번길
Susi-ro 수시로
Susi-ro 135beon-gil 수시로135번길
Sireumgae-gil 시름개길
Yanghwadong-ro 양화동로
Yanghwadong-ro 278beon-gil 양화동로278번길
Yanghwadong-ro 371beon-gil 양화동로371번길
Yanghwadong-ro 372beon-gil 양화동로372번길
Yanghwadong-ro 445beon-gil 양화동로445번길
Yanghwadong-ro 467beon-gil 양화동로467번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 양화북로
Yanghwabuk-ro 110beon-gil 양화북로110번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 167beon-gil 양화북로167번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 222beon-gil 양화북로222번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 233beon-gil 양화북로233번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 242beon-gil 양화북로242번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 62beon-gil 양화북로62번길
Yanghwabuk-ro 72beon-gil 양화북로72번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 양화서로
Yanghwaseo-ro 120beon-gil 양화서로120번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 235beon-gil 양화서로235번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 240beon-gil 양화서로240번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 326beon-gil 양화서로326번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 354beon-gil 양화서로354번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 608beon-gil 양화서로608번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 746beon-gil 양화서로746번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 778beon-gil 양화서로778번길
Yanghwaseo-ro 814beon-gil 양화서로814번길
Ocho-ro 오초로
Ocho-ro 103beon-gil 오초로103번길
Ocho-ro 113beon-gil 오초로113번길
Ocho-ro 172beon-gil 오초로172번길
Ocho-ro 281beon-gil 오초로281번길
Yuwang-ro 유왕로
Ippo-ro 입포로
Ippo-ro 48beon-gil 입포로48번길
Ippo-ro 53beon-gil 입포로53번길
Ippo-ro 9beon-gil 입포로9번길
Jokgyo-ro 족교로
Jokgyo-ro 24beon-gil 족교로24번길
Jokgyo-ro 84beon-gil 족교로84번길
Chungjeol-ro 충절로

Yanghwa-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yanghwa-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yanghwa-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
