Yangchon-eup: 양촌읍

Yangchon-eup (양촌읍) is located in Gimpo-si,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Yangchon-eup (양촌읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Yangchon-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Gimpo-si (김포시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Yangchon-eup (양촌읍)

Yangchon-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Yangchon-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Goeumdal-ro 고음달로
Goeumdal-ro 191beon-gil 고음달로191번길
Goeumdal-ro 192beon-gil 고음달로192번길
Gurae-ro 구래로
Gurae-ro 26beon-gil 구래로26번길
Gurae-ro 27beon-gil 구래로27번길
Gurae-ro 42beon-gil 구래로42번길
Gurae-ro 59beon-gil 구래로59번길
Gurae-ro 87beon-gil 구래로87번길
Geumpo-ro 금포로
Geumpo-ro 1491beon-gil 금포로1491번길
Gimpo-daero 김포대로
Gimpo-daero 1517beon-gil 김포대로1517번길
Gimpo-daero 1544beon-gil 김포대로1544번길
Gimpo-daero 1616beon-gil 김포대로1616번길
Gimpo-daero 1644beon-gil 김포대로1644번길
Gimpo-daero 1685beon-gil 김포대로1685번길
Gimpo-daero 1750beon-gil 김포대로1750번길
Gimpo-daero 1759beon-gil 김포대로1759번길
Gimpo-daero 1766beon-gil 김포대로1766번길
Gimpo-daero 1790beon-gil 김포대로1790번길
Gimpohangang 10-ro 김포한강10로
Gimpohangang 10-ro 133beon-gil 김포한강10로133번길
Gimpohangang 3-ro 김포한강3로
Gimpohangang 4-ro 김포한강4로
Gimpohangang 4-ro 265beon-gil 김포한강4로265번길
Gimpohangang 4-ro 278beon-gil 김포한강4로278번길
Gimpohangang 4-ro 369beon-gil 김포한강4로369번길
Gimpohangang 5-ro 김포한강5로
Gimpohangang 6-ro 김포한강6로
Gimpohangang 8-ro 김포한강8로
Nusan-ro 누산로
Nusan-ro 38beon-gil 누산로38번길
Nusan-ro 41beon-gil 누산로41번길
Nusan-ro 48beon-gil 누산로48번길
Nusan-ro 6beon-gil 누산로6번길
Nusanbongseong-ro 누산봉성로
Nusanbongseong-ro 164beon-gil 누산봉성로164번길
Nusanbongseong-ro 178beon-gil 누산봉성로178번길
Nusanbongseong-ro 53beon-gil 누산봉성로53번길
Nusanbongseong-ro 99beon-gil 누산봉성로99번길
Daegotgeomdan-ro 대곶검단로
Daegonnam-ro 대곶남로
Daegonnam-ro 512beon-gil 대곶남로512번길
Daegonnam-ro 560beon-gil 대곶남로560번길
Daegonnam-ro 580beon-gil 대곶남로580번길
Daegonnam-ro 672beon-gil 대곶남로672번길
Daemyeonghang-ro 대명항로
Daemyeonghang-ro 117beon-gil 대명항로117번길
Daeposandan 1-ro 대포산단1로

Yangchon-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Yangchon-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
