Uam-dong: 우암동

This page displays Uam-dong (우암동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Uam-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Uam-dong (우암동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Busan (부산광역시) Nam-gu (남구) Uam-dong (우암동)
Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도) Cheongwon-gu, Cheongju-si (청주시 청원구) Uam-dong (우암동)

Uam-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Uam-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
UN-ro 38beon-gil 유엔로38번길
UN-ro 74beon-gil 유엔로74번길
UN-ro 75beon-gil 유엔로75번길
UN-ro 84beon-gil 유엔로84번길
Janggogae-ro 장고개로
Janggogae-ro 14beon-gil 장고개로14번길
Janggogae-ro 16beon-gil 장고개로16번길
Janggogae-ro 33beon-gil 장고개로33번길
Janggogae-ro 40beon-gil 장고개로40번길
Janggogae-ro 42beon-gil 장고개로42번길
Janggogae-ro 63beon-gil 장고개로63번길
Janggogae-ro 8beon-gil 장고개로8번길
Janggogae-ro 9beon-gil 장고개로9번길
1sunhwan-ro 339beon-gil 1순환로339번길
Gyoseo-ro 교서로
Gyoseo-ro 110beon-gil 교서로110번길
Gyoseo-ro 116beon-gil 교서로116번길
Gyoseo-ro 128beon-gil 교서로128번길
Gyoseo-ro 134beon-gil 교서로134번길
Gyoseo-ro 138beon-gil 교서로138번길
Gyoseo-ro 144beon-gil 교서로144번길
Gyoseo-ro 150beon-gil 교서로150번길
Gyoseo-ro 156beon-gil 교서로156번길
Gyoseo-ro 162beon-gil 교서로162번길
Gyoseo-ro 168beon-gil 교서로168번길
Gyoseo-ro 180beon-gil 교서로180번길
Gyoseo-ro 186beon-gil 교서로186번길
Gyoseo-ro 196beon-gil 교서로196번길
Gyoseo-ro 210beon-gil 교서로210번길
Gyoseo-ro 222beon-gil 교서로222번길
Naedeok-ro 내덕로
Naedeok-ro 18beon-gil 내덕로18번길
Naedeok-ro 28beon-gil 내덕로28번길
Naedeok-ro 8beon-gil 내덕로8번길
Daeseong-ro 대성로
Daeseong-ro 238beon-gil 대성로238번길
Daeseong-ro 254beon-gil 대성로254번길
Daeseong-ro 257beon-gil 대성로257번길
Daeseong-ro 261beon-gil 대성로261번길
Daeseong-ro 266beon-gil 대성로266번길
Daeseong-ro 268beon-gil 대성로268번길
Daeseong-ro 273beon-gil 대성로273번길
Daeseong-ro 280beon-gil 대성로280번길
Daeseong-ro 288beon-gil 대성로288번길
Daeseong-ro 300beon-gil 대성로300번길
Musimdong-ro 무심동로
Sabuk-ro 사북로
Sabuk-ro 121beon-gil 사북로121번길
Sabuk-ro 125beon-gil 사북로125번길
Sabuk-ro 131beon-gil 사북로131번길

Uam-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Uam-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Uam-dong, Nam-gu, Busan Map
