Tanhyeon-myeon: 탄현면

Tanhyeon-myeon (탄현면) is located in Paju-si,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Tanhyeon-myeon (탄현면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Tanhyeon-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Paju-si (파주시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Tanhyeon-myeon (탄현면)

Tanhyeon-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Tanhyeon-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gasinae-gil 가시내길
Galhyeon-ro 갈현로
Galhyeon-ro 29beon-gil 갈현로29번길
Geomsan-ro 검산로
Geomsan-ro 361beon-gil 검산로361번길
Geomsan-ro 492beon-gil 검산로492번길
Geomsan-ro 519beon-gil 검산로519번길
Geomsan-ro 520beon-gil 검산로520번길
Gochujamjari-gil 고추잠자리길
Gugwonmal-gil 국원말길
Gukhwahyang-gil 국화향길
Dongori-gil 동오리길
Maebong-gil 매봉길
Bangchon-ro 방촌로
Bangchon-ro 1076beon-gil 방촌로1076번길
Bangchon-ro 538beon-gil 방촌로538번길
Bangchon-ro 628beon-gil 방촌로628번길
Bangchon-ro 649beon-gil 방촌로649번길
Bangchon-ro 653beon-gil 방촌로653번길
Bangchon-ro 701beon-gil 방촌로701번길
Bangchon-ro 711beon-gil 방촌로711번길
Bangchon-ro 879beon-gil 방촌로879번길
Bangchon-ro 937beon-gil 방촌로937번길
Bangchon-ro 955beon-gil 방촌로955번길
Bangchon-ro 995beon-gil 방촌로995번길
Baenamu-gil 배나무길
Beopheung-ro 법흥로
Saseumbeolle-ro 사슴벌레로
Saseumbeolle-ro 73beon-gil 사슴벌레로73번길
Saeori-ro 새오리로
Saeori-ro 161beon-gil 새오리로161번길
Saeori-ro 286beon-gil 새오리로286번길
Saeori-ro 339beon-gil 새오리로339번길
Saeori-ro 395beon-gil 새오리로395번길
Saeori-ro 405beon-gil 새오리로405번길
Saeori-ro 427beon-gil 새오리로427번길
Saeori-ro 538beon-gil 새오리로538번길
Saeori-ro 540beon-gil 새오리로540번길
Saemcheol-gil 샘철길
Seongdong-ro 성동로
Sogeumjaengi-gil 소금쟁이길
Soraji-ro 소라지로
Sorigae-gil 소리개길
Yaksangol-gil 약산골길
Yaksan-ro 약산로
Eoreumsil-ro 얼음실로
Elssidi-ro 엘씨디로
Elssidi-ro 241beon-gil 엘씨디로241번길
LG-ro 엘지로
Elji-ro 583beon-gil 엘지로583번길

Tanhyeon-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Tanhyeon-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Tanhyeon-myeon, Paju-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
