Tangjeong-myeon: 탕정면

Tangjeong-myeon (탕정면) is located in Asan-si,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Tangjeong-myeon (탕정면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Tangjeong-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Asan-si (아산시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Tangjeong-myeon (탕정면)

Tangjeong-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Tangjeong-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Galsangyo-ro 갈산교로
Galsangyo-ro 114beon-gil 갈산교로114번길
Galsan-gil 갈산길
Galsan-gil 20beon-gil 갈산길20번길
Galsan-gil 9beon-gil 갈산길9번길
Galsanmirae-ro 갈산미래로
Galsansaetdeul 1-ro 갈산샛들1로
Galsansaetdeul-ro 갈산샛들로
Guryeong-gil 구령길
Kkoekkolseong-gil 꾀꼴성길
Dongsan-ro 동산로
Dongsan-ro 142beon-gil 동산로142번길
Dongsan-ro 31beon-gil 동산로31번길
Manjeondang-gil 만전당길
Maegok-ro 매곡로
Maegok-ro 12beon-gil 매곡로12번길
Maegok-ro 27beon-gil 매곡로27번길
Maegok-ro 33beon-gil 매곡로33번길
Maegok-ro 71beon-gil 매곡로71번길
Maegokcheon-gil 매곡천길
Maegokcheon-gil 145beon-gil 매곡천길145번길
Maegokhandeul 10-gil 매곡한들10길
Maegokhandeul 11-gil 매곡한들11길
Maegokhandeul 12-gil 매곡한들12길
Maegokhandeul 13-gil 매곡한들13길
Maegokhandeul 14-gil 매곡한들14길
Maegokhandeul 15-gil 매곡한들15길
Maegokhandeul 1-gil 매곡한들1길
Maegokhandeul 3-gil 매곡한들3길
Maegokhandeul 4-gil 매곡한들4길
Maegokhandeul 5-gil 매곡한들5길
Maegokhandeul 6-gil 매곡한들6길
Maegokhandeul 7-gil 매곡한들7길
Maegokhandeul 8-gil 매곡한들8길
Myeongam-gil 명암길
Myeongam-gil 2beon-gil 명암길2번길
Myeongam-gil 3beon-gil 명암길3번길
Myeongamdong-gil 명암동길
Samsung-ro 삼성로
Saeasan-ro 새아산로
Sunmoon-ro 선문로
Seonmun-ro 201beon-gil 선문로201번길
Sunmoon-ro 221beon-gil 선문로221번길
Sunmoon-ro 254beon-gil 선문로254번길
Sunmoon-ro 329beon-gil 선문로329번길
Sunmoon-ro 350beon-gil 선문로350번길
Onsaem-ro 온샘로
Oncheon-daero 온천대로
Yongmeori-gil 용머리길
Eumbong-ro 음봉로

Tangjeong-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Tangjeong-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Tangjeong-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
