Songjeong-dong: 송정동

This page displays Songjeong-dong (송정동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Songjeong-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Songjeong-dong (송정동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Songjeong-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Songjeong-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Sangmu-daero 상무대로
Sangmu-daero 133beon-gil 상무대로133번길
Sangmu-daero 205beon-gil 상무대로205번길
Sangmu-daero 241beon-gil 상무대로241번길
Songdo-ro 송도로
Songdo-ro 181beon-gil 송도로181번길
Songdo-ro 212beon-gil 송도로212번길
Songdo-ro 226beon-gil 송도로226번길
Songdo-ro 270beon-gil 송도로270번길
Songdo-ro 284beon-gil 송도로284번길
Songdo-ro 294beon-gil 송도로294번길
Songdo-ro 304beon-gil 송도로304번길
Songdo-ro 320beon-gil 송도로320번길
Songjeong-ro 송정로
Songjeong-ro 15beon-gil 송정로15번길
Songjeong-ro 16beon-gil 송정로16번길
Songjeong-ro 1beon-gil 송정로1번길
Songjeong-ro 29beon-gil 송정로29번길
Songjeong-ro 2beon-gil 송정로2번길
Songjeong-ro 30beon-gil 송정로30번길
Songjeong-ro 39beon-gil 송정로39번길
Songjeong-ro 51beon-gil 송정로51번길
Songjeong-ro 52beon-gil 송정로52번길
Songjeong-ro 65beon-gil 송정로65번길
Songjeong-ro 85beon-gil 송정로85번길
Songjeong-ro 8beon-gil 송정로8번길
Songjeongoe-ro 송정외로
Sindosan-gil 신도산길
Yongbo-ro 용보로
Yongbo-ro 23beon-gil 용보로23번길
Yongbo-ro 27beon-gil 용보로27번길
Yongbo-ro 49beon-gil 용보로49번길
Yongbo-ro 49beonan-gil 용보로49번안길
Yongbo-ro 51beon-gil 용보로51번길
Pyeongdong-ro 평동로
Pyeongdong-ro 1101beon-gil 평동로1101번길
Pyeongdong-ro 1106beon-gil 평동로1106번길
Pyeongdong-ro 1115beon-gil 평동로1115번길
Pyeongdong-ro 1119beon-gil 평동로1119번길
Pyeongdong-ro 1120beon-gil 평동로1120번길
Seochon-ro 서촌로
Seochon-ro 21-gil 서촌로21길
Seochon-ro 23-gil 서촌로23길
Palgongsan-ro 팔공산로
Palgongsan-ro 23-gil 팔공산로23길
Palgongsan-ro 29-gil 팔공산로29길
Gyebaek-ro 계백로
Gyebaek-ro 149beon-gil 계백로149번길
Gyebaek-ro 93beon-gil 계백로93번길
Songjeong-gil 송정길

Songjeong-dong, Gangseo-gu, Busan Map
