Sinpyeong-myeon: 신평면

This page displays Sinpyeong-myeon (신평면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sinpyeong-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Sinpyeong-myeon (신평면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도) Dangjin-si (당진시) Sinpyeong-myeon (신평면)
Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도) Uiseong-gun (의성군) Sinpyeong-myeon (신평면)
Jeollabuk-do (전라북도) Imsil-gun (임실군) Sinpyeong-myeon (신평면)

Sinpyeong-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sinpyeong-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seopsil-gil 섭실길
Segyo-gil 세교길
Sejeong-gil 세정길
Sehandae-gil 세한대길
Sochang-gil 소창길
Solbanmit-gil 솔밭밑길
Soranmal-gil 솔안말길
Soroji-gil 솔오지길
Sunseong-ro 순성로
Sinnam-gil 신남길
Sindangganggae-gil 신당강개길
Sindang-gil 신당길
Sinsong-ro 신송로
Sinpyeong-gil 신평길
Sinpyeong-ro 신평로
Sinpyeongsijang 1-gil 신평시장1길
Sinpyeongsijang 2-gil 신평시장2길
Sinpyeongsijang 3-gil 신평시장3길
Sinpo-gil 신포길
Sinheung-gil 신흥길
Araenmal-gil 아랫말길
Achan 1-ro 아찬1로
Atgol-gil 앗골길
Yedangpyeongya-ro 예당평야로
Yejeon-gil 예전길
Unjeong-gil 운정길
Wonmeori-ro 원머리로
Wonsindang-ro 원신당로
Winmal-gil 윗말길
Witsaeteomal-gil 윗새터말길
Eumseomi-gil 음섬이길
Jeondae-ro 전대로
Jobisil-gil 조비실길
Jungmal-gil 중말길
Jimugol-gil 지무골길
Jinsalmi-gil 진살미길
Cheonggeumgol-gil 청금골길
Tongpowon-gil 통포원길
Pyeongni-gil 평리길
Hachodeul-gil 하초들길
Hanjeong-gil 한정길

Sinpyeong-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Sinpyeong-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sinpyeong-myeon, Dangjin-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
