Sinhyo-dong: 신효동

Sinhyo-dong (신효동) is located in Seogwipo-si,Jeju-do. This page displays Sinhyo-dong (신효동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sinhyo-dong Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeju-do (제주특별자치도)
City/County/District Seogwipo-si (서귀포시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Sinhyo-dong (신효동)

Sinhyo-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sinhyo-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Namseondongsan-ro 남선동산로
Dongsanghyo-ro 68beon-gil 동상효로68번길
Masomul-ro 120beon-gil 마소물로120번길
Bungmun-ro 북문로
Bungmun-ro 123beon-gil 북문로123번길
Bungmun-ro 148beon-gil 북문로148번길
Bungmun-ro 64beon-gil 북문로64번길
Bungmun-ro 79beon-gil 북문로79번길
Sanghyo-ro 상효로
Sanghyo-ro 136beon-gil 상효로136번길
Seorioreum-ro 서리오름로
Seorioreum-ro 107beon-gil 서리오름로107번길
Seorioreum-ro 55beon-gil 서리오름로55번길
Sinhyodongjip-gil 신효동집길
Sinhyo-ro 신효로
Sinhyo-ro 25beon-gil 신효로25번길
Sinhyojungang-ro 신효중앙로
Sinhyojungang-ro 21beon-gil 신효중앙로21번길
Sinhyojungang-ro 26beon-gil 신효중앙로26번길
Sinhyojungang-ro 4beon-gil 신효중앙로4번길
Sinhyojungang-ro 57beon-gil 신효중앙로57번길
Sinhyojungang-ro 62beon-gil 신효중앙로62번길
Wollabong-ro 월라봉로
Wollabong-ro 34beon-gil 월라봉로34번길
Iljudong-ro 일주동로
Chilsimni-ro 533beon-gil 칠십리로533번길
Topyeongnam-ro 48beon-gil 토평남로48번길
Hasinsang-ro 하신상로
Hasinsang-ro 142beon-gil 하신상로142번길
Hasinsang-ro 68beon-gil 하신상로68번길
Hasinsang-ro 9beon-gil 하신상로9번길
Hahyo-ro 하효로
Hyodon-ro 효돈로
Hyodon-ro 123beon-gil 효돈로123번길
Hyodon-ro 167beon-gil 효돈로167번길
Hyodon-ro 79beon-gil 효돈로79번길
Hyodon-ro 99beon-gil 효돈로99번길
Hyodonbuk-ro 효돈북로
Hyodonsunhwan-ro 효돈순환로
Hyodonsunhwan-ro 291beon-gil 효돈순환로291번길
Hyodonsunhwan-ro 95beon-gil 효돈순환로95번길

Sinhyo-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Sinhyo-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sinhyo-dong, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Map
