Sinheung-dong: 신흥동

This page displays Sinheung-dong (신흥동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sinheung-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Sinheung-dong (신흥동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Sinheung-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sinheung-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Chungmu-ro 충무로
Buljong-ro 불종로
Buljong-ro 15beon-gil 불종로15번길
Buljong-ro 27beon-gil 불종로27번길
Buljong-ro 3beon-gil 불종로3번길
Seodong-ro 서동로
Yongdang-ro 용당로
Yongdang-ro 139beon-gil 용당로139번길
Yongdang-ro 147beon-gil 용당로147번길
Jungang-ro 중앙로
Jungangsangga 5-gil 중앙상가5길
Jungangsangga 6-gil 중앙상가6길
Jungangsangga 7-gil 중앙상가7길
Jungangsangga-gil 중앙상가길
Gyejok-ro 계족로
Gwangmyeong-gil 광명길
Dalgijang 1-gil 달기장1길
Daedongcheonuan 1-gil 대동천우안1길
Daedongcheonuan 2-gil 대동천우안2길
Dongdaejeon-ro 22beon-gil 동대전로22번길
Dongdaejeon-ro 46beon-gil 동대전로46번길
Beondong 3-gil 번동3길
Saedeul 2-gil 새들2길
Saeteo 1-gil 새터1길
Saeteo 2-gil 새터2길
Saeteo 3-gil 새터3길
Okcheon-ro 옥천로
Otbat 1-gil 옻밭1길
Otbat 2-gil 옻밭2길
Otbat 3-gil 옻밭3길
Otbat 4-gil 옻밭4길
Otbat 5-gil 옻밭5길
Yongdae-gil 용대길
Jangsu 1-gil 장수1길
Jangsu 2-gil 장수2길
Jangsu 3-gil 장수3길
Jungsim 1-gil 중심1길
Cheondongchodeung 2-gil 천동초등2길
Cheondongchodeung 3-gil 천동초등3길
Chungmu-ro 충무로
Tocheon 1-gil 토천1길
Tocheon 2-gil 토천2길
Guyeong 1-gil 구영1길
Sinheung 3-gil 신흥3길
Wolmyeong 1-gil 월명1길
Wolmyeonggongwon 1-gil 월명공원1길
Wolmyeong-ro 월명로
Jeolgol 1-gil 절골1길
Jeolgol 2-gil 절골2길
Jeolgol 3-gil 절골3길

Sinheung-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Sinheung-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sinheung-dong, Dong-gu, Daejeon Map
