Singi-dong: 신기동

This page displays Singi-dong (신기동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Singi-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Singi-dong (신기동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Singi-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Singi-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Jupyeong 5-gil 주평5길
Jupyeong-gil 주평길
Teulmosan-gil 틀모산길
Sangsingi-gil 상신기길
Eonhagongdan 2-gil 언하공단2길
Eonhagongdandwit-gil 언하공단뒷길
Hasingi-gil 하신기길
Gyeongan-ro 107-gil 경안로107길
Banyawol-ro 반야월로
Banyawol-ro 24-gil 반야월로24길
Banyawol-ro 26-gil 반야월로26길
Banyawol-ro 28-gil 반야월로28길
Banyawol-ro 30-gil 반야월로30길
Banyawol-ro 32-gil 반야월로32길
Banyawol-ro 34-gil 반야월로34길
Banyawol-ro 36-gil 반야월로36길
Ansim-ro 안심로
Ansim-ro 41-gil 안심로41길
Ansim-ro 42-gil 안심로42길
Yulhadong-ro 율하동로
Yulhadong-ro 20-gil 율하동로20길
Yulhadong-ro 23-gil 율하동로23길
Yulhadong-ro 24-gil 율하동로24길
Yulhadong-ro 25-gil 율하동로25길
Yulhadong-ro 26-gil 율하동로26길
Yulhadong-ro 27-gil 율하동로27길
Yulhadong-ro 28-gil 율하동로28길
Mangma-ro 망마로
Saeteo-ro 새터로
Seonso-ro 선소로
Sijeon 1-gil 시전1길
Sijeon 2-gil 시전2길
Sijeon 3-gil 시전3길
Sijeon 4-gil 시전4길
Sijeon 5-gil 시전5길
Sijeon 6-gil 시전6길
Singinam 1-gil 신기남1길
Singinam 2-gil 신기남2길
Singinam 3-gil 신기남3길
Singinam 4-gil 신기남4길
Singinam-gil 신기남길
Singibuk 1-gil 신기북1길
Singibuk 2-gil 신기북2길
Singibuk 3-gil 신기북3길
Singibuk 4-gil 신기북4길
Singibuk 5-gil 신기북5길
Singibuk 6-gil 신기북6길
Singibuk 7-gil 신기북7길
Sinwol-ro 신월로
Ssangbong-ro 쌍봉로

Singi-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Singi-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Singi-dong, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
