Seoseok-myeon: 서석면

Seoseok-myeon (서석면) is located in Hongcheon-gun,Gangwon-do. This page displays Seoseok-myeon (서석면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seoseok-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gangwon-do (강원도)
City/County/District Hongcheon-gun (홍천군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Seoseok-myeon (서석면)

Seoseok-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seoseok-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gagudong-gil 가구동길
Ganeungol-gil 가는골길
Gamduri-gil 감두리길
Geomsan-gil 검산길
Gobundaewol-gil 고분대월길
Gobundaewol-gil 126beon-gil 고분대월길126번길
Gobundaewol-gil 12beon-gil 고분대월길12번길
Gobundaewol-gil 83beon-gil 고분대월길83번길
Gongjaksan-ro 공작산로
Guryongnyeong-ro 구룡령로
Gunduri-gil 군두리길
Nojanggol-gil 노장골길
Dongchang-ro 동창로
Donghak-gil 동학길
Marisori-gil 마리소리길
Musagol-gil 무사골길
Bamnamugol-gil 밤나무골길
Banggadae-gil 방가대길
Beodeulgumi-gil 버들구미길
Bukbachi-gil 북바치길
Samgeunam-gil 삼근암길
Saengbi-gil 생비길
Amisan-gil 아미산길
Anjeolgol-gil 안절골길
Yangjihanggol-gil 양지항골길
Yongduan-gil 용두안길
Yongoreum-gil 용오름길
Yongteo-gil 용터길
Yonghodae-gil 용호대길
Yonghodae-gil 137beon-gil 용호대길137번길
Yonghodae-gil 147beon-gil 용호대길147번길
Yonghodae-gil 224beon-gil 용호대길224번길
Yonghodae-gil 97beon-gil 용호대길97번길
Eumjihanggol-gil 음지항골길
Igeumi-gil 이금이길
Janggol-gil 장골길
Jangmak-gil 장막길
Jangsuwon-ro 장수원로
Jogadong-gil 조가동길
Jihyedong-gil 지혜동길
Jinyeoul-gil 진여울길
Jinyeoul-gil 256beon-gil 진여울길256번길
Jinyeoul-gil 46beon-gil 진여울길46번길
Jinyeoul-gil 99beon-gil 진여울길99번길
Cheongnyang-ro 청량로
Cheongnyang-ro 318beon-gil 청량로318번길
Cheongnyang-ro 411beon-gil 청량로411번길
Cheongnyang-ro 537beon-gil 청량로537번길
Cheongjeong-ro 청정로
Pungam-gil 풍암길

Seoseok-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seoseok-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seoseok-myeon, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do Map
