Seonjang-myeon: 선장면

Seonjang-myeon (선장면) is located in Asan-si,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Seonjang-myeon (선장면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seonjang-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Asan-si (아산시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Seonjang-myeon (선장면)

Seonjang-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seonjang-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Gasannam-gil 가산남길
Gasannam-gil 53beon-gil 가산남길53번길
Gasanbuk-gil 가산북길
Gasanbuk-gil 29beon-gil 가산북길29번길
Gungpyeong-gil 궁평길
Daeheung-gil 대흥길
Daeheung-gil 16beon-gil 대흥길16번길
Dogooncheon-ro 도고온천로
Bueongsan-gil 부엉산길
Bueongsan-gil 143beon-gil 부엉산길143번길
Bueongsan-gil 237beon-gil 부엉산길237번길
Bueongsan-gil 249beon-gil 부엉산길249번길
Bueongsan-gil 53beon-gil 부엉산길53번길
Sambong-ro 삼봉로
Sambong-ro 162beon-gil 삼봉로162번길
Sambongsan-gil 삼봉산길
Sambongsan-gil 136beon-gil 삼봉산길136번길
Sambongsan-gil 243beon-gil 삼봉산길243번길
Sapgyocheon-ro 삽교천로
Sapgyocheon-ro 136beon-gil 삽교천로136번길
Seodeullam-ro 서들남로
Seodeullam-ro 136beon-gil 서들남로136번길
Seodeullam-ro 156beon-gil 서들남로156번길
Seodeullam-ro 159beon-gil 서들남로159번길
Seodeulbuk-ro 서들북로
Seodeulbuk-ro 148beon-gil 서들북로148번길
Seodeulbuk-ro 176beon-gil 서들북로176번길
Seodeulbuk-ro 240beon-gil 서들북로240번길
Seodeulbuk-ro 39beon-gil 서들북로39번길
Seobunam-ro 서부남로
Seobunam-ro 151beon-gil 서부남로151번길
Seobunam-ro 158beon-gil 서부남로158번길
Seobunam-ro 172beon-gil 서부남로172번길
Seobubuk-ro 서부북로
Seobubuk-ro 105beon-gil 서부북로105번길
Seobubuk-ro 121beon-gil 서부북로121번길
Seobubuk-ro 23beon-gil 서부북로23번길
Seonjang-ro 선장로
Seonjang-ro 110beon-gil 선장로110번길
Seonjang-ro 147beon-gil 선장로147번길
Seonjang-ro 48beon-gil 선장로48번길
Seonjang-ro 50beon-gil 선장로50번길
Sindeok-gil 신덕길
Sinmun-gil 신문길
Sinseong-gil 신성길
Sintong-gil 신통길
Asanman-ro 아산만로
Asanman-ro 338beon-gil 아산만로338번길
Asanman-ro 356beon-gil 아산만로356번길
Asanman-ro 612beon-gil 아산만로612번길

Seonjang-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seonjang-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seonjang-myeon, Asan-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
