Seongsan-eup: 성산읍

Seongsan-eup (성산읍) is located in Seogwipo-si,Jeju-do. This page displays Seongsan-eup (성산읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seongsan-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeju-do (제주특별자치도)
City/County/District Seogwipo-si (서귀포시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Seongsan-eup (성산읍)

Seongsan-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seongsan-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Susi-ro 102beon-gil 수시로102번길
Susi-ro 10beon-gil 수시로10번길
Susi-ro 22beon-gil 수시로22번길
Susi-ro 250beon-gil 수시로250번길
Siheungsangdong-ro 시흥상동로
Siheungsangdong-ro 50beon-gil 시흥상동로50번길
Siheungsangdong-ro 53beon-gil 시흥상동로53번길
Siheungsangdong-ro 63beon-gil 시흥상동로63번길
Siheungsangdong-ro 68beon-gil 시흥상동로68번길
Siheungsangdong-ro 77beon-gil 시흥상동로77번길
Siheunghadong-ro 시흥하동로
Siheunghadong-ro 50beon-gil 시흥하동로50번길
Siheunghadong-ro 55beon-gil 시흥하동로55번길
Siheunghadong-ro 57beon-gil 시흥하동로57번길
Siheunghadong-ro 61beon-gil 시흥하동로61번길
Siheunghadong-ro 68beon-gil 시흥하동로68번길
Siheunghadong-ro 69beon-gil 시흥하동로69번길
Siheunghadong-ro 74beon-gil 시흥하동로74번길
Siheunghadong-ro 82beon-gil 시흥하동로82번길
Singo-ro 신고로
Singo-ro 22beon-gil 신고로22번길
Sinnan-ro 신난로
Sinnan-ro 74beon-gil 신난로74번길
Sinsanjungang-ro 신산중앙로
Sinsanjungang-ro 18beon-gil 신산중앙로18번길
Sinsanjungang-ro 27beon-gil 신산중앙로27번길
Sinsanjungang-ro 32beon-gil 신산중앙로32번길
Sinyang-ro 신양로
Sinyang-ro 122beon-gil 신양로122번길
Sinyang-ro 71beon-gil 신양로71번길
Sinyang-ro 72beon-gil 신양로72번길
Sincheondorimot-gil 신천도리못길
Sincheondong-ro 신천동로
Sincheondong-ro 13beon-gil 신천동로13번길
Sincheondong-ro 38beon-gil 신천동로38번길
Sincheon-ro 신천로
Sincheon-ro 15beon-gil 신천로15번길
Sincheon-ro 23beon-gil 신천로23번길
Sincheon-ro 47beon-gil 신천로47번길
Sincheon-ro 49beon-gil 신천로49번길
Sincheonseo-ro 신천서로
Sincheonseo-ro 50beon-gil 신천서로50번길
Sincheonseo-ro 72beon-gil 신천서로72번길
Sinpungsangdong-ro 신풍상동로
Sinpungsangdong-ro 14beon-gil 신풍상동로14번길
Sinpunghadong-ro 신풍하동로
Sinpunghadong-ro 19beon-gil 신풍하동로19번길
Sinpunghadong-ro 277beon-gil 신풍하동로277번길
Ojo-ro 오조로
Ojo-ro 100beon-gil 오조로100번길

Seongsan-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seongsan-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seongsan-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Map
