Seongnae-dong: 성내동

This page displays Seongnae-dong (성내동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seongnae-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Seongnae-dong (성내동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Seongnae-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seongnae-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Yangjae-daero 81-gil 양재대로81길
Yangjae-daero 83-gil 양재대로83길
Yangjae-daero 85-gil 양재대로85길
Yangjae-daero 87-gil 양재대로87길
Yangjae-daero 89ga-gil 양재대로89가길
Yangjae-daero 89-gil 양재대로89길
Yangjae-daero 91ga-gil 양재대로91가길
Yangjae-daero 91-gil 양재대로91길
Yangjae-daero 91na-gil 양재대로91나길
Yangjae-daero 95-gil 양재대로95길
Yangjae-daero 97-gil 양재대로97길
Yangjae-daero 99-gil 양재대로99길
Olympic-ro 올림픽로
Olympic-ro 48-gil 올림픽로48길
Olympic-ro 54-gil 올림픽로54길
Olympic-ro 58-gil 올림픽로58길
Olympic-ro 60-gil 올림픽로60길
Olympic-ro 62-gil 올림픽로62길
Cheonho-daero 천호대로
Cheonho-daero 158-gil 천호대로158길
Cheonho-daero 162ga-gil 천호대로162가길
Cheonho-daero 162-gil 천호대로162길
Cheonho-daero 164-gil 천호대로164길
Cheonho-daero 168ga-gil 천호대로168가길
Cheonho-daero 168-gil 천호대로168길
Cheonho-daero 168na-gil 천호대로168나길
Cheonho-daero 168da-gil 천호대로168다길
Cheonho-daero 168ra-gil 천호대로168라길
Cheonho-daero 170-gil 천호대로170길
Cheonho-daero 174-gil 천호대로174길
Cheonho-daero 176-gil 천호대로176길
Cheonhoyet 10-gil 천호옛10길
Cheonhoyet 12-gil 천호옛12길
Cheonhoyet-gil 14-gil 천호옛14길
Cheonhoyet 17-gil 천호옛17길
Cheonhoyet 6-gil 천호옛6길
Cheonhoyet 8-gil 천호옛8길
Cheonhoyet-gil 천호옛길
Pungseong-ro 풍성로
Pungseong-ro 35-gil 풍성로35길
Pungseong-ro 37ga-gil 풍성로37가길
Pungseong-ro 37-gil 풍성로37길
Pungseong-ro 38-gil 풍성로38길
Pungseong-ro 39-gil 풍성로39길
Pungseong-ro 41-gil 풍성로41길
Pungseong-ro 42-gil 풍성로42길
Pungseong-ro 45-gil 풍성로45길
Pungseong-ro 51-gil 풍성로51길
Pungseong-ro 52-gil 풍성로52길
Pungseong-ro 53-gil 풍성로53길

Seongnae-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seongnae-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seongnae-dong, Gangneung-si, Gangwon-do Map
