Seocheon-eup: 서천읍

Seocheon-eup (서천읍) is located in Seocheon-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Seocheon-eup (서천읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Seocheon-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Seocheon-gun (서천군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Seocheon-eup (서천읍)

Seocheon-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Seocheon-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Seocheon-ro 164beon-gil 서천로164번길
Seocheon-ro 170beon-gil 서천로170번길
Seocheon-ro 200beon-gil 서천로200번길
Seocheon-ro 214beon-gil 서천로214번길
Seocheon-ro 222beon-gil 서천로222번길
Seocheon-ro 232beon-gil 서천로232번길
Seocheon-ro 75beon-gil 서천로75번길
Seocheon-ro 84beon-gil 서천로84번길
Seocheon-ro 98beon-gil 서천로98번길
Seocheonyeok-gil 서천역길
Seocheonyeok-gil 41beon-gil 서천역길41번길
Seocheonhyanggyo-gil 서천향교길
Seocheonhyanggyo-gil 39beon-gil 서천향교길39번길
Seohaean Expressway 서해안고속도로
Songsin-ro 송신로
Songsin-ro 172beon-gil 송신로172번길
Songsin-ro 226beon-gil 송신로226번길
Songsin-ro 240beon-gil 송신로240번길
Sinsong-gil 신송길
Sinsong-gil 30beon-gil 신송길30번길
Sinsong-gil 38beon-gil 신송길38번길
Sinsong-gil 45beon-gil 신송길45번길
Otae-gil 오태길
Otae-gil 123beon-gil 오태길123번길
Otae-gil 133beon-gil 오태길133번길
Otae-gil 134beon-gil 오태길134번길
Otae-gil 30beon-gil 오태길30번길
Jangseo-ro 장서로
Janghangsandanbuk-ro 장항산단북로
Chungjeol-ro 충절로
Chungjeol-ro 109beon-gil 충절로109번길
Chungjeol-ro 121beon-gil 충절로121번길
Chungjeol-ro 133beon-gil 충절로133번길
Chungjeol-ro 29beon-gil 충절로29번길
Chungjeol-ro 41beon-gil 충절로41번길
Chungjeol-ro 49beon-gil 충절로49번길
Chungjeol-ro 59beon-gil 충절로59번길
Chungjeol-ro 81beon-gil 충절로81번길
Hwageumdong-gil 화금동길
Hwageum-gil 116beon-gil 화금동길116번길
Hwageum-gil 119beon-gil 화금동길119번길
Hwageumdong-gil 17beon-gil 화금동길17번길
Hwageumdong-gil 80beon-gil 화금동길80번길
Hwageumseo-gil 화금서길
Hwageumseo-gil 61beon-gil 화금서길61번길
Hwageumseo-gil 67beon-gil 화금서길67번길
Hwaseok-ro 화석로
Hwaseok-ro 105beon-gil 화석로105번길
Hwaseok-ro 162beon-gil 화석로162번길
Hwaseok-ro 167beon-gil 화석로167번길

Seocheon-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Seocheon-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Seocheon-eup, Seocheon-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
