Sanseong-dong: 산성동

This page displays Sanseong-dong (산성동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Sanseong-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Sanseong-dong (산성동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도) Gongju-si (공주시) Sanseong-dong (산성동)
Daejeon (대전광역시) Jung-gu (중구) Sanseong-dong (산성동)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Sujeong-gu, Seongnam-si (성남시 수정구) Sanseong-dong (산성동)
Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도) Sangdang-gu, Cheongju-si (청주시 상당구) Sanseong-dong (산성동)

Sanseong-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Sanseong-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dangdi-ro 당디로
Dangdi-ro 36beon-gil 당디로36번길
Dangdi-ro 50beon-gil 당디로50번길
Dangdi-ro 56beon-gil 당디로56번길
Dangdi-ro 6beon-gil 당디로6번길
Dangdi-ro 75beon-gil 당디로75번길
Dangdi-ro 79beon-gil 당디로79번길
Dangdi-ro 95beon-gil 당디로95번길
Daedunsan-ro 대둔산로
Daedunsan-ro 364beon-gil 대둔산로364번길
Daedunsan-ro 373beon-gil 대둔산로373번길
Daedunsan-ro 374beon-gil 대둔산로374번길
Daedunsan-ro 385beon-gil 대둔산로385번길
Daedunsan-ro 386beon-gil 대둔산로386번길
Daedunsan-ro 408beon-gil 대둔산로408번길
Daedunsan-ro 414beon-gil 대둔산로414번길
Daedunsan-ro 420beon-gil 대둔산로420번길
Daedunsan-ro 445beon-gil 대둔산로445번길
Daedunsan-ro 446beon-gil 대둔산로446번길
Daedunsan-ro 446beonan-gil 대둔산로446번안길
Daedunsan-ro 466beon-gil 대둔산로466번길
Daedunsan-ro 480beon-gil 대둔산로480번길
Daedunsan-ro 486beon-gil 대둔산로486번길
Daedunsan-ro 494beon-gil 대둔산로494번길
Munhwa-ro 문화로
Munhwa-ro 12beon-gil 문화로12번길
Munhwa-ro 22beon-gil 문화로22번길
Munhwa-ro 22beonan-gil 문화로22번안길
Munhwa-ro 33beon-gil 문화로33번길
Munhwa-ro 45beon-gil 문화로45번길
Munhwa-ro 46beon-gil 문화로46번길
Munhwa-ro 51beon-gil 문화로51번길
Munhwa-ro 52beon-gil 문화로52번길
Munhwa-ro 78beon-gil 문화로78번길
Munhwa-ro 78beonan-gil 문화로78번안길
Munhwa-ro 94beon-gil 문화로94번길
Bomunsan-ro 보문산로
Bomunsan-ro 103beon-gil 보문산로103번길
Bomunsan-ro 108beon-gil 보문산로108번길
Bomunsan-ro 112beon-gil 보문산로112번길
Bomunsan-ro 122beon-gil 보문산로122번길
Bomunsan-ro 122beonan-gil 보문산로122번안길
Bomunsan-ro 141beon-gil 보문산로141번길
Bomunsan-ro 35beon-gil 보문산로35번길
Bomunsan-ro 36beon-gil 보문산로36번길
Bomunsan-ro 41beon-gil 보문산로41번길
Bomunsan-ro 63beon-gil 보문산로63번길
Bomunsan-ro 64beon-gil 보문산로64번길
Bomunsan-ro 77beon-gil 보문산로77번길
Bomunsan-ro 78beon-gil 보문산로78번길

Sanseong-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Sanseong-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Sanseong-dong, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do Map
