Samnam-eup: 삼남읍

Samnam-eup (삼남읍) is located in Ulju-gun,Ulsan. This page displays Samnam-eup (삼남읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Samnam-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Ulsan (울산광역시)
City/County/District Ulju-gun (울주군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Samnam-eup (삼남읍)

Samnam-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Samnam-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Bonghwamaeul-gil 봉화마을길
Sachonsinbok-ro 사촌신복로
Saltaebaegigol-gil 살태백이골길
Samdong-ro 삼동로
Sangbang-ro 상방로
Sangcheon-ro 상천로
Sangcheonmaeul 1-gil 상천마을1길
Sangcheonmaeul 2-gil 상천마을2길
Sangcheonmaeul-gil 상천마을길
Sangpyeong 1-gil 상평1길
Sangpyeonggangbyeon-gil 상평강변길
Seosangpyeonggangbyeon-gil 서상평강변길
Seosangpyeong-gil 서상평길
Seohyanggyo 1-gil 서향교1길
Seohyanggyo 2-gil 서향교2길
Sogacheon-gil 소가천길
Sunam 1-gil 수남1길
Sunam 2-gil 수남2길
Sunambeotkkot-gil 수남벚꽃길
Sujeonggacheon-gil 수정가천길
Sujeongmaeul 1-gil 수정마을1길
Sujeongmaeul 2-gil 수정마을2길
Sinbok 1-gil 신복1길
Sinbok-gil 신복길
Sinan 1-gil 신안1길
Sinan 2-gil 신안2길
Sinan-gil 신안길
Sinpyeong-ro 신평로
Sinhwari-ro 신화리로
Ssangsujeong 1-gil 쌍수정1길
Ssangsujeong-gil 쌍수정길
Amni 2-gil 암리2길
Amnihabang-gil 암리하방길
Eden nongwon-gil 에덴농원길
Yeonbong-gil 연봉길
Yeonbongsangcheon-gil 연봉상천길
Ungok 1-gil 운곡1길
Ungok 2-gil 운곡2길
Ungok 3-gil 운곡3길
Ungok 4-gil 운곡4길
Ungok 5-gil 운곡5길
Ungok 6-gil 운곡6길
Ulsanyeok 1-gil 울산역1길
Ulsanyeok 2-gil 울산역2길
Ulsanyeok 3-gil 울산역3길
Ulsanyeok 4-gil 울산역4길
Ulsanyeok-ro 울산역로
Utsangbang 1-gil 웃상방1길
Utsangbang 2-gil 웃상방2길
Utsangbang 3-gil 웃상방3길

Samnam-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Samnam-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Samnam-eup, Ulju-gun, Ulsan Map
