Paryong-dong: 팔용동

Paryong-dong (팔용동) is located in Uichang-gu, Changwon-si,Gyeongsangnam-do. This page displays Paryong-dong (팔용동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Paryong-dong Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도)
City/County/District Uichang-gu, Changwon-si (창원시 의창구)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Paryong-dong (팔용동)

Paryong-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Paryong-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Charyong-ro 48beon-gil 차룡로48번길
Chasang-ro 차상로
Chasang-ro 106beon-gil 차상로106번길
Chasang-ro 150beon-gil 차상로150번길
Chasang-ro 18beon-gil 차상로18번길
Chasang-ro 30beon-gil 차상로30번길
Chasang-ro 50beon-gil 차상로50번길
Chasang-ro 62beon-gil 차상로62번길
Chasang-ro 72beon-gil 차상로72번길
Chasang-ro 8beon-gil 차상로8번길
Chasang-ro 96beon-gil 차상로96번길
Changwon-daero 창원대로
Changwon-daero 18beon-gil 창원대로18번길
Changwon-daero 204beon-gil 창원대로204번길
Changwon-daero 363beon-gil 창원대로363번길
Changwon-daero 381beon-gil 창원대로381번길
Changwon-daero 397beon-gil 창원대로397번길
Changi-daero 15beon-gil 창이대로15번길
Paryong-ro 팔용로
Paryong-ro 345beon-gil 팔용로345번길
Paryong-ro 346beon-gil 팔용로346번길
Paryong-ro 359beon-gil 팔용로359번길
Paryong-ro 371beon-gil 팔용로371번길
Paryong-ro 395beon-gil 팔용로395번길
Paryong-ro 396beon-gil 팔용로396번길
Paryong-ro 399beon-gil 팔용로399번길
Paryong-ro 400beon-gil 팔용로400번길
Paryong-ro 403beon-gil 팔용로403번길
Paryong-ro 404beon-gil 팔용로404번길
Paryong-ro 407beon-gil 팔용로407번길
Paryong-ro 408beon-gil 팔용로408번길
Paryong-ro 411beon-gil 팔용로411번길
Paryong-ro 412beon-gil 팔용로412번길
Paryong-ro 415beon-gil 팔용로415번길
Paryong-ro 416beon-gil 팔용로416번길
Paryong-ro 419beon-gil 팔용로419번길
Paryong-ro 420beon-gil 팔용로420번길
Paryong-ro 423beon-gil 팔용로423번길
Paryong-ro 424beon-gil 팔용로424번길
Paryong-ro 425beon-gil 팔용로425번길
Paryong-ro 426beon-gil 팔용로426번길
Paryong-ro 435beon-gil 팔용로435번길
Paryong-ro 439beon-gil 팔용로439번길
Paryong-ro 443beon-gil 팔용로443번길
Paryong-ro 447beon-gil 팔용로447번길
Paryong-ro 451beon-gil 팔용로451번길
Paryong-ro 455beon-gil 팔용로455번길
Pyeongsan-ro 평산로
Pyeongsan-ro 38beon-gil 평산로38번길
Pyeongsan-ro 70beon-gil 평산로70번길

Paryong-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Paryong-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Paryong-dong, Uichang-gu, Changwon-si, Gyeongsangnam-do Map
