Paltan-myeon: 팔탄면

Paltan-myeon (팔탄면) is located in Hwaseong-si,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Paltan-myeon (팔탄면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Paltan-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Hwaseong-si (화성시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Paltan-myeon (팔탄면)

Paltan-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Paltan-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Beodeul-ro 1362beon-gil 버들로1362번길
Beodeul-ro 1435beon-gil 버들로1435번길
Beodeul-ro 1504beon-gil 버들로1504번길
Beodeul-ro 1597beon-gil 버들로1597번길
Salttui-gil 살띄길
Samam-gil 삼암길
Samcheonbyeongma-ro 삼천병마로
Sangsin-ro 상신로
Sanghajeo-gil 상하저길
Saeteomal-gil 새터말길
Seogeunnae-gil 서근내길
Seonangmok-gil 서낭목길
Seochon-gil 서촌길
Seochon-gil 1beon-gil 서촌길1번길
Seochon-gil 21beon-gil 서촌길21번길
Seohae-ro 서해로
Seohae-ro 1121beon-gil 서해로1121번길
Seohae-ro 1313beon-gil 서해로1313번길
Seohae-ro 987beon-gil 서해로987번길
Seohaean Expressway 서해안고속도로
Seokpo-ro 석포로
Seokpo-ro 74beon-gil 석포로74번길
Sicheong-ro 시청로
Sicheong-ro 677beon-gil 시청로677번길
Sicheong-ro 721beon-gil 시청로721번길
Sicheong-ro 739beon-gil 시청로739번길
Sicheong-ro 766beon-gil 시청로766번길
Sicheong-ro 940beon-gil 시청로940번길
Sinyang 1-gil 신양1길
Sinyang 2-gil 신양2길
Sinyang 3-gil 신양3길
Sinyanghagadeung-gil 신양하가등길
Araetsanae-gil 아랫사내길
Araetsanae-gil 9beon-gil 아랫사내길9번길
Ansandong-gil 안산동길
Yaksuteo-gil 약수터길
Eonchanggongdan-gil 언창공단길
Eonchang-gil 언창길
Odumul-gil 오두물길
Onseokdong-gil 온석동길
Oncheon-ro 온천로
Oncheon-ro 137beon-gil 온천로137번길
Oncheon-ro 165beon-gil 온천로165번길
Oncheon-ro 237beon-gil 온천로237번길
Oncheon-ro 460beon-gil 온천로460번길
Umugol-gil 우무골길
Wongol-gil 원골길
Wolmun-gil 월문길
Witsanae-gil 윗사내길
Witsanaegil 24beon-gil 윗사내길24번길

Paltan-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Paltan-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Paltan-myeon, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
