Oeseo-myeon: 외서면

This page displays Oeseo-myeon (외서면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Oeseo-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Oeseo-myeon (외서면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도) Sangju-si (상주시) Oeseo-myeon (외서면)
Jeollanam-do (전라남도) Suncheon-si (순천시) Oeseo-myeon (외서면)

Oeseo-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Oeseo-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Icheon 3-gil 이천3길
Icheon 4-gil 이천4길
Icheonyangjeong-gil 이천양정길
Ichon 1-gil 이촌1길
Ichon 2-gil 이촌2길
Chaereungsan-ro 채릉산로
Cheonbongseo-ro 천봉서로
Chilbong-ro 칠봉로
Hanadong 1-gil 하나동1길
Hanadong 2-gil 하나동2길
Haengbokdong-gil 행복동길
Hwa-dong 1-gil 화동1길
Gayong-gil 가용길
Guamjumak-gil 구암주막길
Geumseong-gil 금성길
Geumseongjungchon-gil 금성중촌길
Norijae-gil 노리재길
Darigimi-gil 다리기미길
Daejeon-gil 대전길
Daejeonnokcha-gil 대전녹차길
Deokchi-gil 덕치길
Deokchisae-gil 덕치새길
Deokchiwitgol-gil 덕치윗골길
Dorijae-gil 도리재길
Dosin-gil 도신길
Dosinitam 1-gil 도신이탐1길
Dosinitam-gil 도신이탐길
Dujidong-gil 두지동길
Meodeulgaemi-gil 머들개미길
Baramjae-gil 바람재길
Banwol-ro 반월로
Beoman-gil 범안길
Sajibong-gil 사지봉길
Songgok-gil 송곡길
Songgongmugwangteo-gil 송곡무광터길
Songgokseomokgol-gil 송곡서목골길
Sujik-gil 수직길
Sujigitam-gil 수직이탐길
Sindeongnongso-gil 신덕농소길
Sindeoksingi-gil 신덕신기길
Ssangyul-gil 쌍율길
Ssangyurangol-gil 쌍율안골길
Ssangyulkeungol-gil 쌍율큰골길
Ssanghyangsu-gil 쌍향수길
Oeseowolpyeongan-gil 외서월평안길
Woramguam-gil 월암구암길
Wolpyeongorogul-gil 월평오로굴길
Eupseong-ro 읍성로
Jangsanyeongnae-gil 장산영내길
Hago 1-gil 하고1길

Oeseo-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Oeseo-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Oeseo-myeon, Sangju-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
