Namwon-eup: 남원읍

Namwon-eup (남원읍) is located in Seogwipo-si,Jeju-do. This page displays Namwon-eup (남원읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Namwon-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeju-do (제주특별자치도)
City/County/District Seogwipo-si (서귀포시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Namwon-eup (남원읍)

Namwon-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Namwon-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Wimijungang-ro 180beon-gil 위미중앙로180번길
Wimijungang-ro 196beon-gil 위미중앙로196번길
Wimijungang-ro 224beon-gil 위미중앙로224번길
Wimijungang-ro 225beon-gil 위미중앙로225번길
Wimijungang-ro 241beon-gil 위미중앙로241번길
Wimijungang-ro 246beon-gil 위미중앙로246번길
Wimijungang-ro 293beon-gil 위미중앙로293번길
Wimijungang-ro 300beon-gil 위미중앙로300번길
Wimijungang-ro 98beon-gil 위미중앙로98번길
Wimihanggu-ro 위미항구로
Wimihanggu-ro 121beon-gil 위미항구로121번길
Wimihanggu-ro 226beon-gil 위미항구로226번길
Wimihanggu-ro 249beon-gil 위미항구로249번길
Wimihanggu-ro 273beon-gil 위미항구로273번길
Wimihaean-ro 위미해안로
Wimihaean-ro 129beon-gil 위미해안로129번길
Wimihaean-ro 40beon-gil 위미해안로40번길
Wimihaean-ro 90beon-gil 위미해안로90번길
Uigwi-ro 의귀로
Uigwi-ro 25beon-gil 의귀로25번길
Uigwi-ro 43beon-gil 의귀로43번길
Iljudong-ro 일주동로
Iljudong-ro 7774beon-gil 일주동로7774번길
Iljudong-ro 7914beon-gil 일주동로7914번길
Jabaeoreum-ro 자배오름로
Jabaeoreum-ro 139beon-gil 자배오름로139번길
Jungsangandong-ro 중산간동로
Jungsangandong-ro 5570beon-gil 중산간동로5570번길
Jungsangandong-ro 7031beon-gil 중산간동로7031번길
Jungsangandong-ro 7141beon-gil 중산간동로7141번길
Jungsangandong-ro 7165beon-gil 중산간동로7165번길
Jungsangandong-ro 7227beon-gil 중산간동로7227번길
Taesu-ro 태수로
Taesu-ro 143beon-gil 태수로143번길
Taesu-ro 144beon-gil 태수로144번길
Taesu-ro 26beon-gil 태수로26번길
Taesu-ro 308beon-gil 태수로308번길
Taesu-ro 358beon-gil 태수로358번길
Taesu-ro 608beon-gil 태수로608번길
Taesu-ro 70beon-gil 태수로70번길
Taesin-ro 태신로
Taesin-ro 130beon-gil 태신로130번길
Taesin-ro 404beon-gil 태신로404번길
Taesinsamseok-ro 태신삼석로
Taesinsamseok-ro 73beon-gil 태신삼석로73번길
Taesinsamseok-ro 91beon-gil 태신삼석로91번길
Taesinsamseok-ro 94beon-gil 태신삼석로94번길
Taesincheon-gil 태신천길
Taesinhaean-ro 태신해안로
Taewi-ro 태위로

Namwon-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Namwon-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Namwon-eup, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do Map
