Munhwa-dong: 문화동

This page displays Munhwa-dong (문화동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Munhwa-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Munhwa-dong (문화동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Munhwa-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Munhwa-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Jungang-ro 중앙로
Jungang-ro 16beon-gil 중앙로16번길
Cheongeun-ro 천근로
Cheongeun-ro 15beon-gil 천근로15번길
Cheongeun-ro 19beon-gil 천근로19번길
Cheongeun-ro 20beon-gil 천근로20번길
Cheongeun-ro 27beon-gil 천근로27번길
Cheongeun-ro 28beon-gil 천근로28번길
Cheongeun-ro 46beon-gil 천근로46번길
Cheongeun-ro 60beon-gil 천근로60번길
Cheongeun-ro 69beon-gil 천근로69번길
Cheongeun-ro 70beon-gil 천근로70번길
Cheongeun-ro 9beon-gil 천근로9번길
Gunjung-gil 군중길
Naun-ro 나운로
Naunuhoe-ro 나운우회로
Daehak-ro 대학로
Munhwa 1-gil 문화1길
Munhwa 2-gil 문화2길
Munhwa 3-gil 문화3길
Munhwa-ro 문화로
Munhwaan-gil 문화안길
Miwon-ro 미원로
Baekto-ro 백토로
Samhwa 1-gil 삼화1길
Samhwa 2-gil 삼화2길
Samhwa 3-gil 삼화3길
Samhwa-gil 삼화길
Samhwaan-gil 삼화안길
Seoheung 1-gil 서흥1길
Seoheung 2-gil 서흥2길
Seoheung-gil 서흥길
Seoheungan 1-gil 서흥안1길
Seoheungan 2-gil 서흥안2길
Seoheungan 3-gil 서흥안3길
Seoheungan-gil 서흥안길
Seokchi 1-gil 석치1길
Seokchi 2-gil 석치2길
Seokchian-gil 석치안길
Sinpung 2-gil 신풍2길
Oryong 1-gil 오룡1길
Cheongsonyeonhoegwan-ro 청소년회관로
Chukdong-ro 축동로
Palma-ro 팔마로
Hasinjae-gil 하신재길
Gongseolsijang 1-gil 공설시장1길
Gongseolsijang 2-gil 공설시장2길
Gongseolsijang 3-gil 공설시장3길
Myeongdong-gil 명동길
Munhwa 1-gil 문화1길

Munhwa-dong, Jung-gu, Daejeon Map
