Jungang-dong: 중앙동

This page displays Jungang-dong (중앙동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Jungang-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Jungang-dong (중앙동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Jungang-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Jungang-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Yongji-ro 117beon-gil 용지로117번길
Yongji-ro 121beon-gil 용지로121번길
Yongji-ro 123beon-gil 용지로123번길
Yongji-ro 127beon-gil 용지로127번길
Yongji-ro 133beon-gil 용지로133번길
Yongji-ro 21beon-gil 용지로21번길
Woni-daero 원이대로
Woni-daero 522beon-gil 원이대로522번길
Woni-daero 538beon-gil 원이대로538번길
Woni-daero 552beon-gil 원이대로552번길
Woni-daero 566beon-gil 원이대로566번길
Woni-daero 580beon-gil 원이대로580번길
Jungang-daero 중앙대로
Jungang-daero 21beon-gil 중앙대로21번길
Jungang-daero 39beon-gil 중앙대로39번길
Jungang-daero 61beon-gil 중앙대로61번길
Jungang-daero 83beon-gil 중앙대로83번길
Changwon-daero 창원대로
Chunghon-ro 72beon-gil 충혼로72번길
Baekgu-ro 백구로
Beotkkot-ro 벚꽃로
Jungwondong-ro 중원동로
Gangguan-gil 강구안길
Seonchang 1-gil 선창1길
Sebyeong-ro 세병로
Jungang-ro 중앙로
Jungangsijang 1-gil 중앙시장1길
Jungangsijang 2-gil 중앙시장2길
Jungangsijang 4-gil 중앙시장4길
Changdong 1-gil 창동1길
Changdong 2-gil 창동2길
Changdong 3-gil 창동3길
Changdong 4-gil 창동4길
Tongyeonghaean-ro 통영해안로
Dongbin-ro 동빈로
Buljong-ro 불종로
Jungang-ro 294beon-gil 중앙로294번길
Chilseong-ro 칠성로
Chilseong-ro 37beon-gil 칠성로37번길
Chilseong-ro 47beon-gil 칠성로47번길
Chilseong-ro 51beon-gil 칠성로51번길
Chilseong-ro 63beon-gil 칠성로63번길
Geumseonggwan-gil 금성관길
Geumseong-gil 금성길
Naju-ro 나주로
Najucheon 1-gil 나주천1길
Najucheon 3-gil 나주천3길
Dongjeommun-gil 동점문길
Seongbuk 1-gil 성북1길
Jungang-ro 중앙로

Jungang-dong, Sokcho-si, Gangwon-do Map
