Jung-dong: 중동

This page displays Jung-dong (중동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Jung-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Jung-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dongbaekjungang-ro 동백중앙로
Dongbaekjungang-ro 108beon-gil 동백중앙로108번길
Dongbaekjungang-ro 122beon-gil 동백중앙로122번길
Dongbaekjungang-ro 16beon-gil 동백중앙로16번길
Dongbaekjungang-ro 36beon-gil 동백중앙로36번길
Dongbaekjungang-ro 54beon-gil 동백중앙로54번길
Eojeong-ro 어정로
Eondong-ro 언동로
Eondong-ro 125beon-gil 언동로125번길
Eondong-ro 217beon-gil 언동로217번길
Dongtangiheung-ro 502beon-gil 동탄기흥로502번길
Dongtansunhwan-daero 24-gil 동탄순환대로24길
Wongomae-ro 원고매로
Jungnibuk-gil 중리북길
Pulmugol-ro 풀무골로
Pulmugol-ro 106beon-gil 풀무골로106번길
Pulmugol-ro 110beon-gil 풀무골로110번길
Pulmugol-ro 60beon-gil 풀무골로60번길
Pulmugol-ro 77beon-gil 풀무골로77번길
Seosang-ro 서상로
Seosang-ro 12beon-gil 서상로12번길
Woni-daero 16beon-gil 원이대로16번길
Woni-daero 20beon-gil 원이대로20번길
Woni-daero 56beon-gil 원이대로56번길
Eupseong-ro 읍성로
Eupseong-ro 33beon-gil 읍성로33번길
Eupseong-ro 34beon-gil 읍성로34번길
Eupseong-ro 41beon-gil 읍성로41번길
Uian-ro 의안로
Uian-ro 17beon-gil 의안로17번길
Uian-ro 27beon-gil 의안로27번길
Uian-ro 31beon-gil 의안로31번길
Uichang-daero 211beon-gil 의창대로211번길
Uichang-daero 264beon-gil 의창대로264번길
Uichang-daero 266beon-gil 의창대로266번길
Uichang-daero 272beon-gil 의창대로272번길
Uichang-daero 282beon-gil 의창대로282번길
Jungdongnam-ro 중동남로
Jungdong-ro 중동로
Jungdongbuk-ro 중동북로
Jungdongjungang-ro 중동중앙로
Cheonju-ro 12beon-gil 천주로12번길
Cheonju-ro 18beon-gil 천주로18번길
Pyeongsan-ro 평산로
Pyeongsan-ro 204beon-gil 평산로204번길
Pyeongsan-ro 208beon-gil 평산로208번길
Deuran-ro 들안로
Deuran-ro 25-gil 들안로25길
Deuran-ro 29-gil 들안로29길
Deuran-ro 33-gil 들안로33길

Jung-dong, Haeundae-gu, Busan Map
