Jojong-myeon: 조종면

Jojong-myeon (조종면) is located in Gapyeong-gun,Gyeonggi-do. This page displays Jojong-myeon (조종면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Jojong-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gyeonggi-do (경기도)
City/County/District Gapyeong-gun (가평군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Jojong-myeon (조종면)

Jojong-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Jojong-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Kkotdongne-gil 꽃동네길
Daeboganseon-ro 대보간선로
Daeboganseon-ro 335beon-gil 대보간선로335번길
Daeboganseon-ro 33beon-gil 대보간선로33번길
Daeboganseon-ro 399beon-gil 대보간선로399번길
Daeboganseon-ro 611beon-gil 대보간선로611번길
Daeboganseon-ro 79beon-gil 대보간선로79번길
Myeongjisan-ro 명지산로
Myeongjisan-ro 146beon-gil 명지산로146번길
Myeongjisan-ro 262beon-gil 명지산로262번길
Myeongjisan-ro 360beon-gil 명지산로360번길
Boreumgol-gil 보름골길
Boreumgol-gil 242beon-gil 보름골길242번길
Boriul-gil 보리울길
Bideukjae-gil 비득재길
Biryong-ro 비룡로
Seongteo-gil 성터길
Segok-ro 세곡로
Segok-ro 104beon-gil 세곡로104번길
Angok-ro 안곡로
Yeondeung-gil 연등길
Yeondeungaraet-gil 연등아랫길
Yeondeungwit-gil 연등윗길
Yeoninsan-ro 연인산로
Yeoninsan-ro 100beon-gil 연인산로100번길
Yeoninsan-ro 150beon-gil 연인산로150번길
Yeoninsan-ro 208beon-gil 연인산로208번길
Yeoninsan-ro 24beon-gil 연인산로24번길
Yeoninsan-ro 474beon-gil 연인산로474번길
Yeoninsan-ro 527beon-gil 연인산로527번길
Wagok-gil 와곡길
Umunae-gil 우무내길
Unakcheonggye-ro 운악청계로
Unakcheonggye-ro 281beon-gil 운악청계로281번길
Unakcheonggye-ro 333beon-gil 운악청계로333번길
Unakcheonggye-ro 368beon-gil 운악청계로368번길
Unakcheonggye-ro 371beon-gil 운악청계로371번길
Unakcheonggye-ro 490beon-gil 운악청계로490번길
Unakcheonggye-ro 491beon-gil 운악청계로491번길
Jojongnae-gil 조종내길
Jojongsaessak-ro 조종새싹로
Jojongsaessak-ro 4beon-gil 조종새싹로4번길
Jojonghuimang-ro 조종희망로
Jojonghuimang-ro 26beon-gil 조종희망로26번길
Jojonghuimang-ro 5beon-gil 조종희망로5번길
Cheonggun-ro 청군로
Hyeondeungsa-gil 현등사길
Hyeonchang-ro 현창로
Hyeonchang-ro 38beon-gil 현창로38번길
Hyeonchang-ro 44beon-gil 현창로44번길

Jojong-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Jojong-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Jojong-myeon, Gapyeong-gun, Gyeonggi-do Map
