Jinbu-myeon: 진부면

Jinbu-myeon (진부면) is located in Pyeongchang-gun,Gangwon-do. This page displays Jinbu-myeon (진부면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Jinbu-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gangwon-do (강원도)
City/County/District Pyeongchang-gun (평창군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Jinbu-myeon (진부면)

Jinbu-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Jinbu-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Ganaegol-gil 가내골길
Garigol-gil 가리골길
Gaudong-gil 가우동길
Ganpyeong-gil 간평길
Geomun 1-gil 거문1길
Geomun 2-gil 거문2길
Geomun-gil 거문길
Gyeonggang-ro 경강로
Gokgeon-gil 곡건길
Gunggwolmok-gil 궁궐목길
Kkachigol-gil 까치골길
Naedongsan-gil 내동산길
Neunggol-gil 능골길
Duil-gil 두일길
Ttanggol-gil 땅골길
Makdong-gil 막동길
Myeonuidong-gil 면의동길
Myeonhwadong-gil 면화동길
Moritjae-ro 모릿재로
Bangadari-ro 방아다리로
Bian-gil 비안길
Sanamsan-gil 사남산길
Sanamsanan-gil 사남산안길
Sangduil-gil 상두일길
Sangmapyeong-gil 상마평길
Sangwolgeomun-ro 상월거문로
Seokdu-ro 석두로
Seokdusan 1-gil 석두산1길
Seokdusan 2-gil 석두산2길
Seokdusan 3-gil 석두산3길
Seokdusan-gil 석두산길
Soksajae-gil 속사재길
Solcheon 2-gil 솔천2길
Solcheon 3-gil 솔천3길
Solcheon-gil 솔천길
Songjeong-gil 송정길
Songjeongtaekji 1-gil 송정택지1길
Songjeongtaekji 2-gil 송정택지2길
Suhang-gil 수항길
Suhangjeolteo-gil 수항절터길
Suhorang-ro 수호랑로
Swilteogol-gil 쉴터골길
Singibongsan-ro 신기봉산로
Sindau-gil 신다우길
Aramchi-gil 아람치길
Araetssalmyeon-gil 아랫쌀면길
Achagol-gil 아차골길
Apgol-gil 앞골길
Yaksudong-gil 약수동길
Eokdudong-gil 억두동길

Jinbu-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Jinbu-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Jinbu-myeon, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do Map
