Jangam-myeon: 장암면

Jangam-myeon (장암면) is located in Buyeo-gun,Chungcheongnam-do. This page displays Jangam-myeon (장암면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Jangam-myeon Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도)
City/County/District Buyeo-gun (부여군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Jangam-myeon (장암면)

Jangam-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Jangam-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Namseong-ro 남성로
Namseong-ro 1027beon-gil 남성로1027번길
Namseong-ro 718beon-gil 남성로718번길
Namseong-ro 881beon-gil 남성로881번길
Namseong-ro 882beon-gil 남성로882번길
Namseong-ro 908beon-gil 남성로908번길
Namseong-ro 967beon-gil 남성로967번길
Deongnim-ro 덕림로
Deongnim-ro 285beon-gil 덕림로285번길
Deongnim-ro 398beon-gil 덕림로398번길
Majeong-ro 마정로
Budu-ro 부두로
Bukgo-ro 북고로
Sadong-ro 사동로
Sadong-ro 264beon-gil 사동로264번길
Sadong-ro taedong 1-gil 사동로태동1길
Sadong-ro taedong 2-gil 사동로태동2길
Sadong-ro taedong 3-gil 사동로태동3길
Sangha-ro 상하로
Sangha-ro 90beon-gil 상하로90번길
Seokdong-ro 석동로
Seokdong-ro 29beon-gil 석동로29번길
Seokdong-ro 56beon-gil 석동로56번길
Seongheung-ro 97beon-gil 성흥로97번길
Wayo-ro 와요로
Wayo-ro 19beon-gil 와요로19번길
Wonmun-ro 원문로
Wideok-ro 위덕로
Wideok-ro 445beon-gil 위덕로445번길
Wideok-ro 527beon-gil 위덕로527번길
Wideok-ro 527beonan-gil 위덕로527번안길
Wideok-ro 575beon-gil 위덕로575번길
Wideok-ro 623beon-gil 위덕로623번길
Wideok-ro seongbuk 1-gil 위덕로성북1길
Wideok-ro seongbuk 2-gil 위덕로성북2길
Wideok-ro seongbuk 3-gil 위덕로성북3길
Wideok-ro seongbuk 4-gil 위덕로성북4길
Uija-ro 의자로
Uija-ro 1235beon-gil 의자로1235번길
Uija-ro 1407beon-gil 의자로1407번길
Uija-ro 599beon-gil 의자로599번길
Uija-ro 644beon-gil 의자로644번길
Uija-ro 691beon-gil 의자로691번길
Uija-ro 704beon-gil 의자로704번길
Uija-ro 705beon-gil 의자로705번길
Uija-ro 706beon-gil 의자로706번길
Uija-ro 725beon-gil 의자로725번길
Uija-ro 851beon-gil 의자로851번길
Uija-ro namsan 1-gil 의자로남산1길
Uija-ro namsan 2-gil 의자로남산2길

Jangam-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Jangam-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Jangam-myeon, Buyeo-gun, Chungcheongnam-do Map
