Idong-myeon: 이동면

This page displays Idong-myeon (이동면)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Idong-myeon Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Idong-myeon (이동면). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Pocheon-si (포천시) Idong-myeon (이동면)
Gyeongsangnam-do (경상남도) Namhae-gun (남해군) Idong-myeon (이동면)

Idong-myeon Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Idong-myeon, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Hwadong-ro 2130beon-gil 화동로2130번길
Hwadong-ro 2290beon-gil 화동로2290번길
Hwadong-ro 2419beon-gil 화동로2419번길
Hwadong-ro 2433beon-gil 화동로2433번길
Hwadong-ro 2457beon-gil 화동로2457번길
Gangjinman-ro 강진만로
Naneum-ro 난음로
Naneum-ro 122beon-gil 난음로122번길
Naneum-ro 188beon-gil 난음로188번길
Naneum-ro 198beon-gil 난음로198번길
Naneum-ro 219beon-gil 난음로219번길
Naneum-ro 246beon-gil 난음로246번길
Naneum-ro 7beon-gil 난음로7번길
Namseo-daero 남서대로
Namseo-daero 197beon-gil 남서대로197번길
Namseo-daero 203beon-gil 남서대로203번길
Namseo-daero 238beon-gil 남서대로238번길
Namseo-daero 264beon-gil 남서대로264번길
Namseo-daero 265beon-gil 남서대로265번길
Namseo-daero 279beon-gil 남서대로279번길
Namseo-daero 342beon-gil 남서대로342번길
Namhae-daero 남해대로
Namhae-daero 1534beon-gil 남해대로1534번길
Namhae-daero 1553beon-gil 남해대로1553번길
Namhae-daero 1567beon-gil 남해대로1567번길
Namhae-daero 1678beon-gil 남해대로1678번길
Namhae-daero 1745beon-gil 남해대로1745번길
Namhae-daero 1970beon-gil 남해대로1970번길
Namhae-daero 2205beon-gil 남해대로2205번길
Namhae-daero 2264beon-gil 남해대로2264번길
Namhae-daero 2363beon-gil 남해대로2363번길
Namhae-daero 2375beon-gil 남해대로2375번길
Namhae-daero 2385beon-gil 남해대로2385번길
Namhae-daero 2431beon-gil 남해대로2431번길
Namhae-daero 2431beonan-gil 남해대로2431번안길
Namhae-daero 2477beon-gil 남해대로2477번길
Namhae-daero 2477beonan-gil 남해대로2477번안길
Namhae-daero 2513beon-gil 남해대로2513번길
Dangneom-ro 247beon-gil 당넘로247번길
Murim-ro 무림로
Murim-ro 45beon-gil 무림로45번길
Murim-ro 63beon-gil 무림로63번길
Murim-ro 68beon-gil 무림로68번길
Murim-ro 79beon-gil 무림로79번길
Murim-ro 90beon-gil 무림로90번길
Migungmaeul-gil 미국마을길
Boriam-ro 보리암로
Sami-ro 삼이로
Sami-ro 481beon-gil 삼이로481번길
Sami-ro 482beon-gil 삼이로482번길

Idong-myeon Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Idong-myeon. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Idong-myeon, Pocheon-si, Gyeonggi-do Map
