I-dong: 이동

This page displays I-dong (이동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

I-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to I-dong (이동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

I-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of I-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Jungang-daero 중앙대로
Chungjang-ro 충장로
Chungjang-ro 4-gil 충장로4길
Chungjang-ro 5-gil 충장로5길
Chungjang-ro 6-gil 충장로6길
Chungjang-ro 6an-gil 충장로6안길
Hanggaul-ro 항가울로
Ganamu-ro 가나무로
Gyodong-gil 교동길
Geumcheonmal-gil 금천말길
Geumcheonmaran-gil 금천말안길
Deogyeong-daero 덕영대로
Saemal-gil 새말길
Saeteomararaet-ro 새터말아랫로
Saeteomarwit-gil 새터말윗길
Obong-ro 오봉로
Obongsandan 1-ro 오봉산단1로
Idang-ro 이당로
Jinggyegol-gil 징계골길
Changmal-ro 창말로
Changmarwit-gil 창말윗길
Chilsan-ro 칠산로
Chilsan-ro 151beon-gil 칠산로151번길
Chilsan-ro 179beon-gil 칠산로179번길
Chilsan-ro 183beon-gil 칠산로183번길
Chilsan-ro 197beon-gil 칠산로197번길
Chilsan-ro 209beon-gil 칠산로209번길
Chilsan-ro 210beon-gil 칠산로210번길
Chilsan-ro 223beon-gil 칠산로223번길
Chilsan-ro 237beon-gil 칠산로237번길
Naengcheon-ro 냉천로
Naengcheon-ro 12beon-gil 냉천로12번길
Naengcheon-ro 18beon-gil 냉천로18번길
Naengcheon-ro 22beon-gil 냉천로22번길
Naengcheon-ro 26beon-gil 냉천로26번길
Naengcheon-ro 30beon-gil 냉천로30번길
Naengcheon-ro 8beon-gil 냉천로8번길
Dongjin-ro 동진로
Dongjin-ro 100beon-gil 동진로100번길
Dongjin-ro 11beon-gil 동진로11번길
Dongjin-ro 21beon-gil 동진로21번길
Dongjin-ro 76beon-gil 동진로76번길
Dongjin-ro 82beon-gil 동진로82번길
Dongjin-ro 88beon-gil 동진로88번길
Dongjin-ro 92beon-gil 동진로92번길
Byeongam-ro 병암로
Byeongam-ro 21beon-gil 병암로21번길
Byeongam-ro 29beon-gil 병암로29번길
Byeongam-ro 30beon-gil 병암로30번길
Byeongam-ro 37beon-gil 병암로37번길

I-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in I-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

I-dong, Nam-gu, Pohang-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do Map
