Hyoja-dong: 효자동

This page displays Hyoja-dong (효자동)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Hyoja-dong Basic Information

There are multiple records related to Hyoja-dong (효자동). You can find the upper class administrative division on each record below.

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province City/County/District Town/Village/Neighborhood
Gangwon-do (강원도) Chuncheon-si (춘천시) Hyoja-dong (효자동)
Gyeongsangbuk-do (경상북도) Nam-gu, Pohang-si (포항시 남구) Hyoja-dong (효자동)
Gyeonggi-do (경기도) Deogyang-gu, Goyang-si (고양시 덕양구) Hyoja-dong (효자동)
Seoul (서울특별시) Jongno-gu (종로구) Hyoja-dong (효자동)

Hyoja-dong Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Hyoja-dong, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Baengnyeong-ro 138beon-gil 백령로138번길
Baengnyeong-ro 147beon-gil 백령로147번길
Baengnyeong-ro 151beon-gil 백령로151번길
Baengnyeong-ro 165beon-gil 백령로165번길
Baengnyeong-ro 23beon-gil 백령로23번길
Baengnyeong-ro 25beon-gil 백령로25번길
Baengnyeong-ro 61beon-gil 백령로61번길
Baengnyeong-ro 67beon-gil 백령로67번길
Baengnyeong-ro 75beon-gil 백령로75번길
Baengnyeong-ro 83beon-gil 백령로83번길
Beobwondwit-gil 법원뒷길
Beobwondwit-gil 8beon-gil 법원뒷길8번길
Sakju-ro 70beon-gil 삭주로70번길
Sakju-ro 80beon-gil 삭주로80번길
Saemaeul-gil 새마을길
Saemaeul-gil 14beon-gil 새마을길14번길
Saemaeul-gil 15beon-gil 새마을길15번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 서부대성로
Seobudaeseong-ro 173beon-gil 서부대성로173번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 184beon-gil 서부대성로184번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 205beon-gil 서부대성로205번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 206beon-gil 서부대성로206번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 227beon-gil 서부대성로227번길
Seobudaeseong-ro 239beon-gil 서부대성로239번길
Seongsim-ro 성심로
Seongsim-ro 35beon-gil 성심로35번길
Seongsim-ro 47beon-gil 성심로47번길
Seongsim-ro 66beon-gil 성심로66번길
Sojeon-gil 소전길
Sojeon-gil 20beon-gil 소전길20번길
Sojeon-gil 28beon-gil 소전길28번길
Yaksagogae-gil 약사고개길
Eutteum-gil 으뜸길
Eutteum-gil 4beon-gil 으뜸길4번길
Jeonwon-gil 전원길
Jeonwonan-gil 전원안길
Cheongun-gil 청운길
Cheongun-gil 29beon-gil 청운길29번길
Chuncheon-ro 춘천로
Chuncheon-ro 114beon-gil 춘천로114번길
Chuncheon-ro 138beon-gil 춘천로138번길
Chuncheon-ro 170beon-gil 춘천로170번길
Chuncheon-ro 176beon-gil 춘천로176번길
Chuncheon-ro 186beon-gil 춘천로186번길
Chuncheon-ro 204beon-gil 춘천로204번길
Chuncheon-ro 213beon-gil 춘천로213번길
Chuncheon-ro 223beon-gil 춘천로223번길
Chuncheon-ro 255beon-gil 춘천로255번길
Chuncheon-ro 256beon-gil 춘천로256번길
Chuncheon-ro 270beon-gil 춘천로270번길

Hyoja-dong Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Hyoja-dong. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Hyoja-dong, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do Map
