Hoengseong-eup: 횡성읍

Hoengseong-eup (횡성읍) is located in Hoengseong-gun,Gangwon-do. This page displays Hoengseong-eup (횡성읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Hoengseong-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Gangwon-do (강원도)
City/County/District Hoengseong-gun (횡성군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Hoengseong-eup (횡성읍)

Hoengseong-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Hoengseong-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Bangok-gil 반곡길
Beopjuseo-ro 법주서로
Bukcheondong-ro 북천동로
Bukcheon-ro 북천로
Bukcheonseo-ro 북천서로
Bukcheonseo-ro 11beon-gil 북천서로11번길
Bukcheonseo-ro 15beon-gil 북천서로15번길
Bukcheonseo-ro 19beon-gil 북천서로19번길
Bukcheonseo-ro 23beon-gil 북천서로23번길
Bukcheonseo-ro 3beon-gil 북천서로3번길
Bukcheonseo-ro 7beon-gil 북천서로7번길
Samil-ro 삼일로
Samil-ro 71beon-gil 삼일로71번길
Samil-ro 81beon-gil 삼일로81번길
Saengun-gil 생운길
Saengunan-gil 생운안길
Seomgang-ro 섬강로
Seomgang-ro 125beon-gil 섬강로125번길
Seomgang-ro 325beon-gil 섬강로325번길
Seomgang-ro 388beon-gil 섬강로388번길
Seomgang-ro 553beon-gil 섬강로553번길
Seomgang-ro 557beon-gil 섬강로557번길
Seomgang-ro 580beon-gil 섬강로580번길
Seomgang-ro 708beon-gil 섬강로708번길
Seongdong-ro 성동로
Seongdong-ro 284beon-gil 성동로284번길
Seongbukdong-ro 성북동로
Seongbukdong-ro 14beon-gil 성북동로14번길
Seongbukdong-ro 20beon-gil 성북동로20번길
Seongbuk-ro 성북로
Seongbuk-ro 1beon-gil 성북로1번길
Songjeon-ro 송전로
Songjeon-ro 80beon-gil 송전로80번길
Suryuam-ro 수류암로
Suryuam-ro 193beon-gil 수류암로193번길
Suryuam-ro 196beon-gil 수류암로196번길
Suryuam-ro 211beon-gil 수류암로211번길
Suryuam-ro 240beon-gil 수류암로240번길
Suryuam-ro 280beon-gil 수류암로280번길
Suryuam-ro 314beon-gil 수류암로314번길
Apdeuldong 1-ro 앞들동1로
Apdeuldong 2-ro 앞들동2로
Apdeuldongnam-ro 앞들동남로
Apdeuldong-ro 앞들동로
Apdeuldong-ro 10beon-gil 앞들동로10번길
Apdeuldong-ro 20beon-gil 앞들동로20번길
Apdeuldong-ro 4beon-gil 앞들동로4번길
Apdeulseo 1-ro 앞들서1로
Apdeulseo 2-ro 앞들서2로
Apdeulseo 3-ro 앞들서3로

Hoengseong-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Hoengseong-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Hoengseong-eup, Hoengseong-gun, Gangwon-do Map
