Gujwa-eup: 구좌읍

Gujwa-eup (구좌읍) is located in Jeju-si,Jeju-do. This page displays Gujwa-eup (구좌읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gujwa-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Jeju-do (제주특별자치도)
City/County/District Jeju-si (제주시)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Gujwa-eup (구좌읍)

Gujwa-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gujwa-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Dongbok-ro 2-gil 동복로2길
Dongbok-ro 3-gil 동복로3길
Manjanggul-gil 만장굴길
Myeonsu 1-gil 면수1길
Myeonsu 2-gil 면수2길
Myeonsu-gil 면수길
Munjuran-ro 문주란로
Munjuran-ro 1-gil 문주란로1길
Munjuran-ro 3-gil 문주란로3길
Munjuran-ro 4-gil 문주란로4길
Munjuran-ro 5-gil 문주란로5길
Beonyeong-ro 번영로
Byeolbang-gil 별방길
Bukchon 12-gil 북촌12길
Bukheul-ro 북흘로
Bijarim-ro 비자림로
Bijarimrodong 1-gil 비자림로동1길
Bijarimrodong 3-gil 비자림로동3길
Bijasup-gil 비자숲길
Sangdonam-gil 상도남길
Sangdodong-gil 상도동길
Sangdo-ro 상도로
Sangdo-ro 1-gil 상도로1길
Sangdo-ro 3-gil 상도로3길
Sangdobuk 2-gil 상도북2길
Sangdobuk 4-gil 상도북4길
Sanghado-gil 상하도길
Seonyu-ro 선유로
Sesong-ro 세송로
Sejong-ro 세종로
Sepyeonghang-ro 세평항로
Sehwa 10-gil 세화10길
Sehwa 11-gil 세화11길
Sehwa 12-gil 세화12길
Sehwa 14-gil 세화14길
Sehwa 1-gil 세화1길
Sehwa 2-gil 세화2길
Sehwa 3-gil 세화3길
Sehwa 4-gil 세화4길
Sehwa 5-gil 세화5길
Sehwa 7-gil 세화7길
Sehwa 8-gil 세화8길
Sehwagyeongmaru-gil 세화경마루길
Sehwanam 1-gil 세화남1길
Sehwanam 3-gil 세화남3길
Sehwanam-gil 세화남길
Sehwabuk-gil 세화북길
Sehwaseo-gil 세화서길
Sehwahapjeon 1-gil 세화합전1길
Sehwahapjeon 2-gil 세화합전2길

Gujwa-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gujwa-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju-do Map
