Gijang-eup: 기장읍

Gijang-eup (기장읍) is located in Gijang-gun,Busan. This page displays Gijang-eup (기장읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Gijang-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Busan (부산광역시)
City/County/District Gijang-gun (기장군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Gijang-eup (기장읍)

Gijang-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Gijang-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Duho 2-gil 두호2길
Duho-gil 두호길
Majangteo-gil 마장터길
Mugok 1-gil 무곡1길
Mugok 2-gil 무곡2길
Mugok-gil 무곡길
Muyang 2-gil 무양2길
Muyang-ro 무양로
Bansong-ro 반송로
Baesan-ro 배산로
Baesan-ro 19beon-gil 배산로19번길
Baesan-ro 56beon-gil 배산로56번길
Baesan-ro 68beon-gil 배산로68번길
Baesan-ro 8beon-gil 배산로8번길
Baekdong-gil 백동길
Seoksan 1-gil 석산1길
Seoksan-gil 석산길
Sojeong-gil 소정길
Sojeongan-gil 소정안길
Sincheon-gil 신천길
Anpyeong-ro 33beonga-gil 안평로33번가길
Yeonhwa 1-gil 연화1길
Yeonhwa 2-gil 연화2길
Yeonhwa-gil 연화길
Yonggung-gil 용궁길
Wonjuk-gil 원죽길
Woljeon 1-gil 월전1길
Woljeonhaean-gil 월전해안길
Eumnae-ro 읍내로
Eumnae-ro 104beon-gil 읍내로104번길
Eumnae-ro 15beon-gil 읍내로15번길
Eumnae-ro 50beon-gil 읍내로50번길
Eumnae-ro 67beon-gil 읍내로67번길
Eumnae-ro 68beon-gil 읍내로68번길
Eumnae-ro 74beon-gil 읍내로74번길
Eumnae-ro 77beon-gil 읍내로77번길
Eumnae-ro 78beon-gil 읍내로78번길
Eumnae-ro 94beon-gil 읍내로94번길
Jukseong-ro 죽성로
Chaseongnam-ro 차성남로
Chaseongnam-ro 27beon-gil 차성남로27번길
Chaseongnam-ro 28beon-gil 차성남로28번길
Chaseongnam-ro 35beon-gil 차성남로35번길
Chaseongnam-ro 41beon-gil 차성남로41번길
Chaseongnam-ro 51beon-gil 차성남로51번길
Chaseongnam-ro 55beon-gil 차성남로55번길
Chaseongnam-ro 65beon-gil 차성남로65번길
Chaseongnam-ro 88beon-gil 차성남로88번길
Chaseongnam-ro 89beon-gil 차성남로89번길
Chaseongnam-ro 96beon-gil 차성남로96번길

Gijang-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Gijang-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Gijang-eup, Gijang-gun, Busan Map
