Geumwang-eup: 금왕읍

Geumwang-eup (금왕읍) is located in Eumseong-gun,Chungcheongbuk-do. This page displays Geumwang-eup (금왕읍)'s information, including administrative division, road addresses, and postal codes. You can click on the links on the page for more information.

Geumwang-eup Basic Information

Special(Metropolitan) City/Province Chungcheongbuk-do (충청북도)
City/County/District Eumseong-gun (음성군)
Town/Village/Neighborhood Geumwang-eup (금왕읍)

Geumwang-eup Road Name List

Here list all the road addresses of Geumwang-eup, you can click the link to get more information. If you want to find a exact road, please use the search box at the top of the page and directly enter the road name to search.

Road Name En Road Name Ko
Saengsam-ro 207beon-gil 생삼로207번길
Saengeum-daero 생음대로
Seonjeong-ro 97beon-gil 선정로97번길
Seongbonsandan 1-ro 성본산단1로
Seongbonsandan 2-ro 성본산단2로
Seongbonsandan 4-ro 성본산단4로
Seongbonsandan 5-ro 성본산단5로
Seongbonsandan 6-ro 성본산단6로
Seongbonsandan-ro 성본산단로
Singaecheon-ro 신개천로
Singaecheon-ro 58beon-gil 신개천로58번길
Sinnae-ro 신내로
Sinnae-ro 563beon-gil 신내로563번길
Sinnae-ro 565beon-gil 신내로565번길
Sinnae-ro 627beon-gil 신내로627번길
Sinnae-ro 695beon-gil 신내로695번길
Oryong-gil 오룡길
Oryong-gil 42beon-gil 오룡길42번길
Oseonsandan-ro 오선산단로
Yongdam-gil 용담길
Yongdam-gil 29beon-gil 용담길29번길
Yusam-gil 유삼길
Yusam-gil 50beon-gil 유삼길50번길
Yuchon-ro 유촌로
Yuchon-ro 232beon-gil 유촌로232번길
Yuchonsandan 1-gil 유촌산단1길
Yuchonsandan-ro 유촌산단로
Yuposotan-gil 유포소탄길
Eumseong-ro 음성로
Eumseong-ro 1230beon-gil 음성로1230번길
Eumseong-ro 1252beon-gil 음성로1252번길
Eumseong-ro 1340beon-gil 음성로1340번길
Eumseong-ro 1357beon-gil 음성로1357번길
Eungcheondong-gil 응천동길
Eungcheondong-gil 4beon-gil 응천동길4번길
Eungcheonseo-gil 응천서길
Eungcheonseo-gil 15beon-gil 응천서길15번길
Eungcheonseo-gil 25beon-gil 응천서길25번길
Eungcheonseo-gil 27beon-gil 응천서길27번길
Eungcheonseo-gil 45beon-gil 응천서길45번길
Ilsaeng-ro 일생로
Ilsaeng-ro 125beon-gil 일생로125번길
Ilsaeng-ro 254beon-gil 일생로254번길
Jinseong-ro 진성로
Jinjae-gil 진재길
Jinjae-gil 37beon-gil 진재길37번길
Jinjae-gil 38beon-gil 진재길38번길
Cheonpyeong-gil 천평길
Cheongpyeong-gil 청평길
Chogeum-ro 초금로

Geumwang-eup Postal Code List

Here is the list of all the Postal code in Geumwang-eup. You can click the link to view all the roads and addresses under the postal code.

Geumwang-eup, Eumseong-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do Map
